Figure 23. Full Quadrature Reduced Dimensionality.
When quadrature detection is used in all dimensions, it is possible to separate the multiplet components onto independent subspectra. (a) Data from the first full quadrature reduced dimensionality experiment, a (4,3)-D 13C/15N-filtered NOESY experiment recorded on a 600 MHz spectrometer, reported in 1995 by Brutscher and coworkers for the Rhodobacter capsulatus ferrocytochrome c2. Crosspeaks are produced at coordinates (HC, C + N, HN) and (HC, C − N, HN), with the former appearing in the subspectrum at left and the latter in the subspectrum at right. Data are shown for HC = 4.44 ppm. (b) An example of spectra obtained by Kozminski and Zhukov from (3,2)-D HN(CO)CA (top) and HNCA (bottom) of ubiquitin, the slices showing the sequential connectivity between residues I36 and G35. The spectra were recorded on a 500 MHz spectrometer. Panel (a) is reprinted from [49]. Panel (b) is reprinted, with permission, from [55] (© 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers).