Table 2.
Reduced Dimensionality Experiments without Full Quadrature Detection
Measurement | Sample | Experiment(s)† | Type‡ | Ref. |
Backbone assignment | mixed disulfide of E. coli glutaredoxin- (C14S) and glutathione |
(4,3)-D HACANH | MQ | [47] |
Backbone assignment | mixed disulfide of E. coli glutaredoxin- (C14S) and glutathione |
(4,3)-D HACANH, (3,2)-D HNCA |
IEPs | [48] |
Backbone assignment | DnaJ, residues 2-108 | (4,3)-D Hα/βCα/β(CO)NH | IEPs | [110] |
Backbone assignment |
Rhodobacter capsulatus cytochrome c2 |
(3,2)-D HNCA, HNCO | MQ | [56] |
Backbone assignment |
Rhodobacter capsulatus ferrocytochrome c2 |
both | [111] |
Backbone assignment |
Desulfovibrio vulgaris flavodoxin |
(5,3)-{HACA}{CON}H | IEPs | [108] |
Backbone assignment |
Rhodobacter capsulatus cytochrome c′ |
(4,3)-D HNCOCA | IEPs | [112] |
Backbone assignment | P14A | (4,3)-D HN<CO,CA> with central peaks, originally named COHNNCA |
IEPs | [101] |
Uridine HN/H6 assignment Cytidine H2N/H6 assignment |
leadzyme | (4,3)-D H(NCC)CH | IEPs | [113] |
Backbone assignment | N-terminal 63-residue polypeptide fragment of the 434 repressor |
(4,3)-D Hα/βCα/β(CO)NH with central peaks |
IEPs | [59] |
Scalar coupling constants | rhodniin | (3,2)-D DQ/ZQ+SQ-HNCA | both | [104] |
Backbone assignment | ubiquitin | (4,3)-D HN(COCA)NH | MQ | [114] |
Sidechain carboxylate assignment and titration |
N-terminal 63-residue polypeptide fragment of the 434 repressor |
(3,2)-D HCCCO2 | IEPs | [115] |
1H/13C assignments | cyclosporin A | (3,2)-D HC(C)H-COSY with central peaks |
IEPs | [116] |
Backbone assignment | N-terminal 63-residue polypeptide fragment of the 434 repressor |
HNCAHA, plus previously described (4,3)-D HN<CO,CA> and (4,3)-D Hα/βCα/β(CO)NH), with central peaks |
IEPs | [102] |
Solid state backbone assignments |
N-acetyl-Valine-Leucine | (3,2)-D CONCA; (3,2)-D CANCOCA (simultaneous direct acquisition of CO and CA) |
IEPs | [117] |
Backbone assignments | TM1112 | (4,3)-D HNCOCA and HNCACO, as a suite with time-shared 3-D HN[CA/HA] and HN(CO)[CA/HA] |
IEPs | [118] |
Backbone assignment | GB1 | (4,2)-D HN(CO)CAHA, HN(COCA)CAHA; (3,2)-D HN(CO)Cα/β, intra- HN(COCA)Cα/β |
both | [57] |
Backbone, aliphatic sidechain and aromatic sidechain assignments |
Z-domain of Staphylococcal protein A |
(4,3)-D HACA(CO)NH and Hα/βCα/βCOHA with central peaks, HCCH-COSY, HCCH-TOCSY; (3,2)-D HBCB(CGCD)HD, TOCSY-relayed-HCH- COSY, plus previously described (4,3)-D Hα/βCα/β(CO)NH, HNCAHA, HN<CO,CA> |
IEPs | [103] |
(n,m)-D indicates that n dimensions of correlations are collected with m independent evolution times. Underlining indicates coevolved nuclei; underlined nuclei grouped in {curly braces} indicate independent sets of coevolved nuclei. (Parentheses) indicate nuclei through which magnetization is passed, without evolving chemical shifts. <Angled brackets> indicate nuclei involved in bifurcated magnetization transfer. CCO2 represents sidechain carboxylate carbon nuclei. [Square brackets] indicate time-shared evolution of two nuclei, with diagonal slashes separating the nuclei or sets of nuclei that evolve independently. For the meaning of DQ/ZQ+SQ, please see the text. The names for some experiments have been adjusted from the original publications to maintain consistency in nomenclature.
MQ indicates that the coevolution is accomplished by evolving a multiple-quantum coherence; IEPs indicates that the coevolution is accomplished with individual evolution periods.