Protocol to sensitize BALB/c mice with cockroach antigen (CRA), adoptive transfer of T regulatory cells (Tregs), and the administration of anti–PD-1 antibody (aPD-1ab). Mice on Days 0 and 14 received an intraperitoneal injection of CRA antigen. Mice on Days 28–30 and 32 were aerosol-challenged with CRA antigen. On Day 33, airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) to methacholine was established. For adoptive transfer treatment, on Day 33, animals were randomized and received an adoptive transfer of Tregs plus anti–PD-1 antibody. On Day 34, mice received another intraperitoneal injection of CRA antigen. In the anti–PD-1 therapy phase, aPD-1ab is given each week before each 3-day aerosol challenge. In addition, mice received a rigorous 4 weeks of CRA antigen challenge, and at the end of each week, AHR to methacholine was evaluated. On Day 68, the mice were killed for analysis.