PMB does not inhibit responses to titanium particles with adherent bacterial debris (A and B) or to heat killed E. coli (C–E). TNFα protein secretion was measured following incubation in the presence or absence of PMB of RAW264.7 cells with titanium particles with adherent bacteria (A and B), heat-killed E. coli K12 (Invitrogen) (C and D), or heat-killed E. coli 0111:B4 (InVivogen) (E). The results (means ± S.E. of three or four experiments) are presented as percentages of TNFα secretion induced in the absence of PMB. In A, the solid symbols depict groups stimulated with titanium particles, and the open symbols depict controls without stimulation. In B, D, and E, the solid symbols depict groups incubated in the presence of PMB, and the open symbols depict controls without PMB. In C, the solid symbols depict groups stimulated with E. coli, and the open symbols depict controls without stimulation. None of the groups with PMB are statistically different from the matched group without PMB. Ti, titanium; adh, adherent.