A. The indicated puromycin resistant transfectants of HeLaM cells were labeled with 35S-methionine and immunoprecipitated for tpsnΔN50 (Rgp48C) or calreticulin. B. HLA-A (CR11.351) and HLA-B (SFR8.B6) expression on the surface of clones indicated. Mean Fluorescence Intensity (MFI) is plotted for each clone. C. Clones F7 (expressing tpsnN50) and E7 (not expressing tpsnN50), were lysed in digitonin and immunoprecipitated using a Ring4C (TAP1) specific antibody. After elution, re-immnoprecipitation was performed using control, heavy chain (HC, 3B10.7), tapasin (R.gp48C) or β2m specific antibodies. A representative figure of at least three independent experiments is shown.