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. 2010 Oct;15(8):529–533. doi: 10.1093/pch/15.8.529


Risk factors for the development of active tuberculosis (TB) among persons infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Risk factor Estimated risk of TB relative to persons with no known risk factor
High risk
  AIDS 110–170
  HIV infection 50–110
  Transplantation (related to immunosuppressive therapy) 20–74
  Silicosis 30
  Chronic renal failure requiring hemodialysis 10–15
  Carcinoma of head and neck 16
  Recent TB infection (two years or less) 15
  Abnormal chest x-ray – fibronodular disease 16–19
Increased risk
  Treatment with glucocorticoids 4.9
  Tumour necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors 1.5–4
  Diabetes mellitus (all types) 2.0–3.6
  Underweight (90% or lower of ideal body weight; for most persons, this corresponds to a body mass index of 20 kg/m2 or lower) 2–3
  Young age when infected (zero to four years of age) 2.2–5.0
  Cigarette smoker (one pack/day) 2–3
  Abnormal chest x-ray – granuloma 2
Low risk
  Infected person, no known risk factor, normal chest x-ray (low risk reactor) 1

Adapted from reference 9. Reproduced with the permission from the Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2010