Figure 2. RA increases proliferation of the osteoclast progenitors.
RAW264.7 cells (A) were incubated in a 96-well plate in the presence or absence of RANKL (RL) and 4 nM of RA for 6 days. Human CD14+ cells were incubated in a 96-well plate (B) or 12-well plate (C) in the absence or presence of M-CSF (M), RANKL (RL), and 4 nM of RA for 14 days. Cell proliferation was determined by an MTT based cell growth determination kit or cell number counting with NucleoCounter. Each data point represents the average ± SD of triplicate wells. Similar results were obtained in more than three independent experiments. NS denotes non-significant difference. * P<0.05, ** P<0.01, *** P<0.001.