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. 2010 Oct 15;6(5):491–509.


First Author Reference Evidence Level Disorder/Patient No. Design Titration Equipment/Pressure Outcome/Findings (abbreviations at end of table)
Ambrogio9 2009
Randomized Crossover
Level I
Average Volume Assured Pressure Support (AVAPS) vs BPAP
Chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure using NPPV
OHS (with/ without OSA) COPD NMD
N = 28
3 PSGs
1. Prescription-Validation BPAP titration to validate chronic NPPV settings
IPAP-T = chosen IPAP level from BPAP titration
2.AVAPS or BPAP treatment
3.Crossover to alternate treatment
BPAP titration with PSG
start BPAP = 8/4, titrate to eliminate obstructive events (apnea, hypop, FL)
IPAP increased in 2 cm increments when suspected hypoventilation (SaO2 < 90% for 3 minutes) in absence of obstructive events
IPAPmax = 30 or IPAP chosen for IPAP-T + 10
IPAPmin = IPAP-T - 5
AVAPS tidal volume goal either 8 cc/kg or 110% of calm tidal breathing (patient preference)
Equivalent sleep quality on AVAPS and BPAP
Higher minute ventilation on AVAPS
Banerjee17 2007
Case Series
Level IV
Prospective study of patients with BMI ≥ 50kg/m2 undergoing PSG
group 1: OSA AHI = 61.2/hr
N =23
group 2: OSA+OHS OSA + PCO2 > 45 mmHg without lung disease N = 23
PSG #1 Diagnostic,if AHI ≥ 15/hr then CPAP PSG
2nd PSG with CPAP
measurements during CPAP trial
Manual PSG CPAP titration with auto-CPAP device
CPAP titrated to normalize inspiratory flow pattern
Once flow trace had normalized CPAP was increased by no more than 3 cm H2O in attempt to improve SaO2
CPAP values
mean CPAP (cm H2O) OSA group 12.9 OHS group 13.9
group 1: OSA AHI = 61.2/hr
group 2: OSA+OHS AHI = 78/hr
Baseline PCO2
group1: OSA PCO2 = 42.9 mmHg
group1: OSA+OHS PCO2 = 54.3 mmHg
In both groups CPAP improved AHI, REM duration, arousal indices, nocturnal desaturation
Once obstructive events eliminated: 9% of OSA and 43% of OHS had >20% TST with SaO2 less than 90%
Berger13 2001
Retrospective Case Series
Level IV
OHS 49 retrospectively identified
23 came for follow-up
PSG for Dx PSG for PAP titration
--> ultimate Rx depends on response to CPAP during the titration
group 1 treated with CPAP
group 2 treated with BPAP
PSG titration:
1. CPAP increased to eliminate obstructive events
2. If SaO2 < 90% + flow limitation, CPAP increased If effective --> group 1: CPAP Rx (noncompliant had trach)
3. If SaO2 < 90% when no Flow limitation: group 2 BPAP used (noncompliant had trach + volume vent)
group1: 11 patients CPAP Rx CPAP 13 cm H2O
group 2: 12 patients BPAP Rx IPAP 18 cm H2O range (12 to 25) cm H2O EPAP 8 range ( 3 to 14)
Compliant patients had drop in daytime PCO2
to near normal values – in both groups
group 1: [CPAP / trach]
group 2: [BPAP / trach + volume ventilator] groups
Bourke39 2003
Case series
Level IV
ALS patients
N = 22
ALS group followed
Quality of life measures every 2 months
PSG every 4 months in group with ALS
Those meeting criteria were offered NPPV
Analysis: comparison of Pre-NPPV measures with post- NPPV measures
NPPV started in Hospital
BPAP adjusted on basis of nocturnal oximetry and daytime ABGs, + compliance
15 tried NPPV 10 continued NPPV
nasal, oro-nasal, total face masks, mouthpieces
BPAP in ST mode mean values: IPAP = 16 EPAP = 4 backup rate not specified
Asynchrony due to leaks controlled by limiting IPAPmax
NPPV associated with improved quality of life
Survival correlated with compliance to NPPV
orthopnea best indicator of benefit from NPPV and adherence (better than AHI, nocturnal symptoms, PCO2)
Bourke3 Lancet Neuro 2006
Randomized Controlled Trial
Level I with respect to NPPV vs Standard care
ALS patients
NPPV N = 22 standard care N = 19
20 normal or mild impairment of bulbar function 21 severe bulbar involvement
ALS patients randomized to standard care or NPPV
baseline PSG at randomization AHI not specified “some obstr events during REM sleep”
quality of life measures SALQI
NPPV started in hospital
Settings adjusted using daytime ABG, nocturnal oximetry, and NPPV use
Goal = normal daytime arterial blood gas
VPAP ST II ST mode (backup rate not specified nasal, oronasal, oral masks
IPAP mean 15
EPAP mean 4
IPAP max =24
EPAP max = 5
Compared to standard care, NPPV improved survival and quality of life in the subgroup with better bulbar function
Bulbar group – NPPV may improve nocturnal symptoms but not survival
Budweiser25 2006
Case Series
Level IV
N = 62 initial
N = 44 patients available for analysis
Testing during day after NPPV treatment
Variable treatment duration but > 3.8 months
NPPV started in hospital
Adaptation phase NPPV gradually increased
ABG measured twice at night 01:00 AM and 04:00 AM
NPPV goals: target tidal volume= 10 cc/kg
reduction in PCO2 10-15%
nasal or full face mask
Pressure NPPV ST mode
IPAP = 21.1 ± 3.4
EPAP = 3.1 ± 2.3
PS = 18 ± 3.0
mean respiratory rate = 20.6 bpm
Heated humidification if dryness
Improvements in daytime PCO2, PO2, lung volumes, and muscle strength
changes in daytime PCO2 was not correlated with duration of use.
Improvements in daytime vital capacity (VC) correlated with IPAP
Reduction in daytime PCO2 correlated with PS
Budweiser18 2007
Survival of OHS on NPPV
Case Series
Level IV
N =126
PCO2 ≥ 45 mm Hg
PSG documents OHS
87 patients, (69%) had OSA
NPPV treatment then--->
118 re-evaluated in hospital at 3 to 6 months with daytime and night time ABG
NPPV started in hospital PSG?
IPAP increased with goal of reaching a tidal volume of 10 cc/kg ideal body weight
Oxygen added only after PS optimized to achieve SaO2 > 90%
nasal or full face masks
IPAP 22.5 ± 3.6 mbar EPAP 5.8 ± 3.1 mbar backup rate 19.2/min
Daytime PCO2 decreased
Adherence (mean) = 6.5 hrs
PCO2 changed
Daytime 55.5 ---> 42.1 mmHg
Nighttime 59.0 ---> 44.7 mmHg
1, 2, 5 year survival
97%, 92%, 70% all cause-mortality
Chatwin60 2008
Randomized parallel group design
inpatient versus out patient initiation of home mechanical ventilation
Level II
N = 28
Patients with nocturnal hypoventilation
NPPV started in PSG after 2 months of treatment at home
After 2 months in hospital overnight monitoring of SpO2 and transcutaneous PCO2, as well as daytime ABG
Baseline daytime PCO2 in both groups 44.2 mmHg (inpatient) and 45.7 (outpatient)
Baseline peak nocturnal transcutaneous PCO2: 75 mmHg in outpatient, 71.2 inpatient group
Inpatient – stay sufficient for patient competence
Outpatient – 3 visits
Outpatient – patient reclined an adjustments made to achieve “good” tidal volume
Pressure preset NPPV
Starting settings: Peak insp pressure 16 cm H2O and backup rate 15-20 bpm
Nasal masks used if possible, full face if mouth leak
Improvements in nocturnal SpO2 similar in both groups
Peak nocturnal transcutaneous PCO2 improved in both groups
Daytime PCO2 decreased in outpatient group
Conclusion: outpatient initiation of home ventilation is feasible
De Lucas-Ramos19 2004
Case Series
Level IV
N = 13
non-consecutive patients
type 3: Home Sleep Testing at baseline
12 mo of NPPV
At baseline and after 12 mo NPPV treatment, overnight oximetry, respiratory muscle strength, and mouth occlusion pressure tested
NPPV started in hospital daytime 2 hr adaptation period
Initial pressure IPAP = 16, EPAP = 5
then IPAP adjusted during daytime based on arterial blood gas. Nocturnal treatment started IPAP, EPAP
BPAP Nasal mask used
end IPAP = 19 ± 2
EPAP of 5 cm H2O
NPPV--> improved daytime PCO2, PO2, FVC, and the mouth occlusion pressure responses to hypercapnia
9/13 needed supplemental oxygen
Ellis23 1988
Case Series
Level IV
(N = 7)
PSG before and after Rx using Transcutaneous PCO2 (snoring, ob apn found )
3 months of treatment
Titration method not specified nasal mask
5 NPPV (volume cycled) 2 CPAP
NPPV improved sleep quality with lower nocturnal PtcCO2
Daytime: NPPV increased respiratory muscle strength, improved ABGs, improved lung volumes
Gonzalez24 2003
Case Series
Level IV
N = 16
1. Baseline PSG
2. NPPV treatment for 36 months
3. At 6 mo PSG OFF NPPV
Other outcomes monitored over 3 years
NPPV started in hospital ( Respiratory Care Unit)
Adaptation to NPPV during 2-3 hrs in the morning mask, mode settings based on comfort, SaO2, PtcCO2
then--> 2 - 3 nights with adjustment of settings based on SaO2, PtcCO2
Goal: PCO2 ≤ 45 mmHg SaO2 > 90 % either volume vent or BPAP FIO2 increased if goals not met
Volume cycled NPPV in 7
Pressure cycled NPPV in 9
nasal mask 12, FFM 4
BPAP ST mode IPAP 15 to 22 cm H2O EPAP 4 mean IPAP = 15 ± 2.8 backup rate 15 bpm
Volume vent: Tidal volume = 10-15 cc/kg BF 15-25
Before NPPV PSG AHI = 13.9
After NPPV treatment, PSG (off NPPV) AHI =12.9r
SaO2 improved at night but not sleep efficiency
Daytime PO2, FVC, Resp Muscle strength improved at 36 mo
Less hospitalizations
Supplemental O2 at 11pm in 6 patients
Gruis36 2006 retrospective
Assessed Pressure changes needed in chronic NPPV treatment
Level IV
NMD 55
total 18 tolerated NPPV
19 intolerant followed
classified as NPPV tolerant if > 4 hrs use (?objective) at follow-up visits
Stared NPPV Patients followed
3 of 18 NPPV tolerant patients had symptoms of OSA
2 of 18 NPPV tolerant patients diagnosed with PSG
NPPV started as out patient patient Initial: NPPV 8/3 cm H2O
- changes based on symptoms
- most pressure changes occurred in the first year
IPAP increased in 2 cm H2O increments until symptoms improved
Nasal prongs (Nasal Aire) interface
Only 6/18 (33%) required PS > 10 cm H2O
3 ALS has symptoms of OSA
PSG found 2 had OSA
18 tolerated NPPV 4 used 8/3 cm H2O until death
Max pressure 19/5 cm H2O
patients with different numbers of pressure changes “for comfort”
N = 4 no change
8 single change
4 two changes
1 three changes
1 five changes
patients tolerating NPPV had longer survival
Guilleminault40 1998
Case Series
Level IV
NMD Muscular dystrophy and others
N = 20
1. PSG for diagnosis + MSLT
2. PSG for BPAP titration
3. 4wks NPPV Rx
PSG for BPAP titration
Titration goal: eliminate apnea, hypopnea, hypoventilation
BPAP S (N = 18) BPAP T (N =1)
EPAP 5 cm H2O IPAP 11.5 (9 to 14) cm H2O
Mean RDI 28.2/hr (8.9); 78% central apnea
19 /20 accepted NPPV
Mean Sleep latency (MSLT) increased after NPPV treatment
MSL increased from 8.2 minutes to 12 minutes
3 switched to volume ventilators
Guo21 2007
Level IV
Using NPPV for at least 3 months
N = 20
PSG during NPPV in patients on chronic NPPV treatment PSG on NPPV while monitoring machine pressure, mask pressure, airflow, transcutaneous PCO2
Note transcutaneous CO2 device calibrated with calibration gas before each measurement night
nasal (17) or full face masks (3), 4 also on supplemental oxygen
BPAP ST mode used
mean IPAP = 18.5 ± 4.6 mean EPAP = 6.2 ± 1.4 mean backup rate = 13.7 ± 2.2 bpm
55% had desynchronization
40% frequent periodic breathing
auto-triggering uncommon but frequent in a single patient
Janssens10 2008
assess effect of volume targeted BPAP on sleep quality
Randomized cross over
Level II for VT-BPAP
OHS stable on chronic NPPV
N = 12
NPPV using current settings one night and VT-BPAP
on the other night
PSG with Ptc CO2
VT-BPAP adjusted during day to find tolerated settings
no titration studied at current settings
chronic settings (cmH2O):
IPAP = 21.6 ± 4.7
EPAP 8.6 ± 2.7
backup rate 13.3 ± 2.0
range (10-17) bpm
9 FFM, 3 nasal masks
ST mode
VT 7-8 cc/kg
IPAPmax = 30 cm H2O
IPAPmin = usual IPAP - 3
Backup rate same as chronic treatment
mean tidal volume, ventilation, IPAP higher with VT-BPAP – all small differences
Slight improvement in nocturnal PCO2 on VT-BPAP compared BPAP
amounts of stage N2 and TST better with BPAP than VT-BPAP
Better subjective sleep quality on BPAP
WASO higher with VT-BPAP
critique = lack of adaptation to VT-BPAP
Katz44 2002
Case Series
Level IV
children NMD
Spinal muscular atrophy, DMD, myotonic dystrophy, myopathies
N = 15
PSG for Diagnosis PSG baseline AHI = 7.3/hour
PSG for BPAP titration
then follow-up
In 9 PSG repeated at follow-up
NPPV titration with PSG
PtcCO2 used
NPPV Goal: a decrease of at least 10 mmHg if PtcCO2 was > 50 mmHg
normalize respirations and SaO2
nasal mask
nasal pillows
IPAP 9 – 20 cm H2O EPAP 3-6
backup rate set at 10% below resting breathing rate
Post NPPV initiation
children spent 85% fewer days in hospital
PSG repeated on NPPV Nocturnal PtcCO2 normalized AHI decreased
Leger29 1994
Case Series
Level IV
Mixed population with CAH
KS post TB sequelae MD, COPD
N= 276
NPPV started in hospital after exacerbation
Long term f/u
NPPV started in hospital after exacerbation
Titration details not specified
Humidity in 1/3
customized nasal masks
volume ventilation 12=15cc/kg tidal volume
assist-control or control mode breaths per minute 15 to 16
KS, post TB improved quality of life and daytime gas exchange, less hospital days
MD – less continued NPPV, did reduce hospital days
Side effects dryness, gastric distension, nasal congestion, eye irritation, nasal bridge soreness
Masa16 2001
compare NPPV treatment in OHS vs RTCD
Cohort study
Level IV
OHS N =22
PCO2 > 47
RTCD (KS) N = 14
PCO2 > 47
PSG, if AHI < 20/hr admitted to hospital for protocol
re-evaluation after 4 months of NPPV
NPPV started in hospital
Titration details not provided
Adaptation to NPPV 3 to 7 days
Goal: maximal reduction in PCO2 and maintenance of SaO2 > 90%.
11 OHS, 8 KS required oxygen supplement at start of study --> at end only 2 OHS using supplemental oxygen at night
Volume cycled ventilator in most,
BPAP in 5 OHS, 1 KS
OHS group daytime PCO2 decreased from
58 to 45 mmHg
RTCD group: daytime PCO2decreased from 59 to 45 mmHg
after treatment, no change in muscle strength or PFTs
Both OHS and RTCD had equivalent improvement in symptoms and daytime gas exchange with NPPV treatment
Conclusion: NPPV effective in OHS
Masa31 1997
Oxygen vs NPPV
Crossover trial not randomized order
Level II
RTCD 8 7KS+1 thoracoplasty 2 NMD 11 OHS
No daytime hypercapnia. 27 nocturnal desaturators without OSA
21 completed the protocol
baseline PSG to demonstrate desaturation without OSA
RTCD patients had AHI 5.6/hour overall but 19 ± 17/hour during REM sleep.
2 wks of nocturnal oxygen then PSG on oxygen then 2 wks nocturnal NPPV then PSG on NPPV
NPPV started in hospital
Adaptation period 3 to 7 days. The protocol was not specified
BPA P N = 7
Volume cycled ventilator
NPPV not oxygen normalized nocturnal hypoventilation and improved symptoms
oxygen treatment had greater nocturnal saturation
Daytime PO2 improved only after NPPPV
Conclusion: RTCD patients without daytime hypoventilation but with nocturnal hypoventilation and desaturation obtain more benefit from NPPV than nocturnal oxygen
Mellies42 2003
Case Series
Level IV
NMD children
N = 30
1. PSG for dx
2. PSG for titration
3. Follow-up
RDI 10.5 ± 13.1
REM RDI 20.5 ±21.1
NPPV titration using PSG BPAP ST mode
goals: suppress SDB, SaO2 > 95%, PtcCO2 < 50 mmHg
PetCO2 used, calibrated before each study
Full face mask (10) nasal masks, others
IPAP 13.9 range (8-19) EPAP 4.4 range (3-8)
backup rate 19.6 (14-24) bpm
Improvement in daytime PCO2 and PO2
Improvement in TST with PCO2 > 50 or TST with SAO2 < 90%
Perez de Llano12 2005
Retrospective Study Case Series
Level IV
OHS started on NPPV 20 elective 34 after exacerbation NPPV treatment then follow-up
PSG performed once stable and discharged from the hospital
NPPV started in hospital
PSG not used for titration daytime sessions for exacerbations night time session for all starting EPAP= 6 cmH2O, IPAP=10 titrated upward
adjusted based on nocturnal SaO2
nasal mask
At discharge:
N=2 vol vent
N= 49 BPAP
mean IPAP=18 (12-30)
mean EPAP = 9 (5-13)
N=47 needed supplemental oxygen
AHI > 5 in 87%
47% required supplemental oxygen
ESS decreased from 16 to 6 mean decrease in daytime PCO2 was 17 mmHg
PCO2 fell after discharge from hospital on treatment: not necessary to totally normalize PCO2 – continued improvement occurs over time
Perez de Llano14 2008
Level IV assess those who can be switched to CPAP after NPPV
N = 24
OHS stabilized on NPPV
When clinically stable had PSG titration starting with CPAP, changed to BPAP and oxygen added if needed.
NPPV titration by PSG
CPAP used to eliminate obstructive events. If low SaO2 persisted BPAP used EPAP = CPAP and IPAP increased up to 20 to improve SaO2. If not effective supplemental oxygen was added
CPAP group mean pressure 10.4 cm H2O
NPPV group 11 BPAP, 2 volume vent.
Pressures not presented
CPAP group had higher AHI and worse SaO2
NPPV group had lower AHI and worse SaO2
Piper and Sullivan26 1996
Does NPPV at night improve spontaneous ventilation during sleep (i.e., NPPV)?
Case Series
Level IV
N = 14
1. Baseline PSG before
2. 6 mo NPPV treatment
Ventilator settings verified during PSG before discharge from hospital
3. Sleep study OFF NPPV after 6 mo or greater treatment.
NPPV started in hospital NPPV protocol not clearly specified, NPPV adjusted based on patient tolerance, adjusted with nocturnal oximetry
NPPV settings verified by PSG before discharge
nasal mask
13 patients volume ventilator
1 patient pressure ventilator
Chronic NPPV improved spontaneous daytime PO2 and PCO2 and muscle strength
Night time:
chronic NPPV improved nocturnal SaO2 and transcutaneous PCO2 during sleep (off treatment)
Piper22 2007
Level I CPAP vs BPAP
stable awake
PCO2 > 45, pH > 7.34
Initial CPAP trial in all subjects -- excluded those with persistent nocturnal hypoxemia or CO2 retention despite CPAP
those on BPAP had an additional PSG for BPAP titration
compared long term rx with CPAP versus BPAP
over 3 months
NPPV titration with PSG
starting EPAP = effective CPAP -2 (minimum 5)
starting IPAP such that PS =4.
EPAP increased in 1 cm H2O increments if inspiratory efforts did not trigger IPAP
IPAP increased to eliminate hypopneas and improve SaO2
CPAP mean pressure was 14 cm H2O
BPAP S mode
IPAP = 16 cm H2O
EPAP = 10 cm H2O
7 patients on supplemental oxygen
Both groups decrease in daytime PCO2 – no difference between CPAP and BPAP
Similar improvements in ESS, PVT, Adherence
Redolfi20 2006
Leptin in OHS
prospective case controlled
Level IV
N = 6
1. Type 3 monitor used excluded OHS patients with OSA (AHI >
2. Leptin before and after 10 months of NPPV
3. Results compared with 6 eucapnic obese subjects
Location where NPPV started is unclear (hospital or clinic?).
EPAP =4 IPAP adjusted on basis of overnight oximetry until SaO2 > 90%, if higher IPAP not tolerated supplemental oxygen was addded
Type 3 device on NPPV to evaluate settings.
BPAP Synchrony device
mean pressures IPAP = 12 EPAP = 4
Daytime PO2 increased, PCO2 decreased leptin increased
Ramesh33 2008
Case Control
Level IV
Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome
N = 15
age range 9 months to 21 years
9 patients started NPPV at later age
6 patients started NPPV at 5 to 26 weeks of age 3 with positive pressure ventilation via endotracheal tube, 1 on positive pressure ventilation via tracheosotomy
NPPV protocol not presented nasal and face masks
Details of pressures used not presented
NPPV started at later age took median of 3 years to wean from former mode of ventilation to mask ventilation
Simonds28 2006
Case Series
Level IV
N = 40 children
17 daytime resp failure
18 nocturnal hypoventilation
3 being weaned
2 frequent chest infections
overnight SaO2, Ptc CO2 monitoring, some had full PSG
monitoring repeated once NPPV settings finalized
NPPV started in hospital
NPPV settings determined by overnight SaO2, PtcCO2 monitoring, supplemental oxygen if needed
BPAP in ST mode 20 ffm, 18 nasal masks, 2 nasal pillows
mean pressures not given
38 of 40 tolerated mask ventilation
Nocturnal: peak PtcCO2 decreased, mean and minimum PO2 improved
Storre8 2006 AVAPS (Average Volume Assured Pressure Support)
Randomized Crossover
N = 10
“Non-responders” to CPAP
1. 6 weeks of AVAPS or BPAP-ST then PSG
2. 6 weeks of alternate mode then PSG
NPPV settings according to daytime and nighttime tolerance and to maximally decrease PtcCO2 AVAPS
IPAPmax = 30 mbar target volume 7 to 10 cc/kg
IPAP up to 20 mbar
EPAP 4 to 8 mbar
both modes:
backup rate = 12 to 18 bpm I/E 1 : 2
Sleep quality and oxygen saturation, quality of life equivalent between AVAPS and BPAP ST
Daytime PCO2 after 6 weeks slightly lower on AVAPS Nocturnal PtcCO2 lower on AVAPS mean difference 6.9 mm Hg
Tibballs32 2003
Case Series
Level IV
Congenital Central Hypoventilation N = 4 2 newborns treated with nasal mask and BPAP when parents refused tracheostomy
2 older children transitioned trach /volume ventilator to nasal mask BPAP
Titration protocols not specified
Case # 1 NPPV tried at age 5 and 6 unsuccessful mask not tolerated, age 9 tried not successful, tried again age 11 successful, tracheostomy removed on BPAP phrenic pacing during the day
Case #2 BPAP 24/4 ST mode with 12 bpm backup
Nasal masks
Case # 3 developed mid-face hypoplasia uses negative pressure ventilator most nights, for travel BPAP used
Case #4 BPAP started at age 9 months, developed mid-face hypoplasia, at age 3 years used combination of BPAP to fall asleep and negative pressure ventilator for most of night
2 cases mid-face hypoplasia developed then switched to negative pressure ventilator for at least part of treatment
maxilla may fail to grow in relation to mandible- lower jaw protrudes “pseudoprognathism”
Toussaint37 2008
Case Series
Level IV
NMD Duchenne muscular dystrophy
group 1: no dyspnea, no support
group 2: nocturnal hypercapnia
group 3: nocturnal NPPV, no breathlessness
group 4: nocturnal NPPV with breathlessness
group 5 using 24 hr NPPV
group 4 nightly NPPV but no breathlessness
TT0.1 tension time index a measure of muscle load
measured at 20:00 and at 8:00 after NPPV
Not specified tidal volume 12 cc/kg then reduced slowly goal maintain normocapnia NPPV Volume ventilator mean tidal volume 653 ml, mean RR 19.9 Tension time index higher with greater weakness
group 1 to 3 not improvement in tension time index after overnight NPPV
group 4 and 5 showed significant reduction in tension time index after overnight NPPV
NPPV improved AM muscle function
Tuggey and Elliot27 2005
Randomized Crossover pressure versus volume ventilation
Level II for type of NPPV
N = 13
Randomized crossover design
after treatment for 4 weeks, PSG on NPPV with either pressure or volume mode
Volume vs Pressure NPPV compared
No EPAP provided
daytime titration either pressure or volume ventilation
adjusted to give equivalent minute ventilation
Volume ventilatory = tidal volume increased in 100 cc increments
IPAP increased in increments of 5 cm H2O between limits of 10 and 40 cm
TV pressure/Volume to 548/.546
Pressure mode backup rate =15
IPAP =25 cm H2O
RR =15
Volume mode:
backup rate 15
TV 749 ml
Night time: 2 modes provided equivalent sleep quality and SaO2,
Daytime: 2 modes resulted in equivalent respiratory muscle strength, health status, ABGs, and daytime function
Pressure NPPV showed more leak and lower ventilation
Pressure and volume ventilation modes showed lower ventilation during sleep than wake titration
Tuggey72 2006
comparing titration goal of respiratory muscle rest and reverse nocturnal hypoventilation
Level II for titration goal
N = 24
daytime study
Increase in pressure or tidal volume
Pressure time product measured with esophageal balloon (PTPes)
Pressures above 20-25 cm H2O or volumes above 6 cc/kg did not produce further drops in PTPes, ventilation did continue to increase although so did leak Nasal mask
Volume ventilator
Pressure ventilator
Little gain in increasing PS above 20 in RTCD
Respiratory effort minimized below maximum ventilation
Vianello43 1994
Case controlled
Level IV
NMD Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy N = 5 on NPPV but 10 in total compared 5 with NPPV with another 5 without NPPV but similar characteristics (case control) NPPV started in the Hospital
3 consecutive nights with overnight NPPV monitoring with transcutaneous PCO2 monitoring
NPPV adjusted so PtcCO2 < 45
Volume Ventilator used Nasal mask at 24 months
4/5 non NPPV had died
0/5 NPPV group had died
at 6 months drop in FVC much lower in NPPV group
Ward30 2005
Randomized controlled trial standard care vs NPPV
Manually adjusted overnight with SaO2, tcPCO2 ? EEG
Level II
N = 26 daytime
normocapnia and nocturnal hypercapnia
most actually MD
Baseline “overnight respiratory sleep study” including SaO2 and PtcCO2
Randomized patients to control or NPPV
12 randomized to control, 2 drop outs 13 randomized to NPPV but 3 elected not to start NPPV
Studied every 6 months tcPCO2, SaO2
Control group followed, if met safety criteria started on NPPV
NPPV adjusted by overnight “monitoring” separate from initial diagnostic with PSG.
Uncertain if overnight monitoring means PSG
Goal of overnight monitoring to adjust NPPV to normalize SaO2 and PCO2
BPAP ST mode pressures not presented
nasal or full face masks
Nocturnal PtcO2 decreased in NPPV group
9 /10 in control group deteriorated and treated with NPPV after 8 months
Windisch 55 2005
Cross-over trial
Volume vs pressure preset ventilation
Level II
N = 15
6 Non-COPD OHS, achondroplasia, post-polio,post-TB, ALS, Duchenne MD
Chronic hypercapnia
5 patients did not complete study
Received either volume or pressure preset ventilation via mask for 6 weeks, then switched to alternate mode
PSG used to assess sleep quality with transcutaneous PCO2 monitoring
Volume NPPV (V-NPPV) and pressure NPPV (P-NPPV) compared
Admitted to hospital for start of NPPV
NPPV adjusted to NPPV adjusted to achieve maximal decrease in PCO2
Supplemental oxygen added to keep SpO2 > 90%
Arterialized ear lobe blood tested
ST/Assist control mode Nasal mask interface Passive humidification
Mean values: In pressure mode set peak pressure = 26.6, delivered peak pressure = 22.9 (mbar)
Respiratory rate = 20.5
Volume set = 677 ml
Night time PCO2 decreased in both modes
Baseline 54.6 mmHg
P-NPPV 46.5 mm Hg
V-NPPV 46.2 mmHg
Similarly small decrease in daytime PCO2 in P-NPPV and V-NPPV similar
Comparable improvements in sleep quality in both modes
More gastric distension in volume mode

RTCD refers to restrictive chest wall disease; NMD, neuromuscular disease; KS, kyphoscoliosis; OHS, obesity hypoventilation syndrome; FFM, full face mask (oronasal); VT-BPAP, volume targeted BPAP; CAH, chronic alveolar hypoventilation; vs, versus; PtcCO2, transcutaneous PCO2. IPAP and EPAP in cm H2O unless specified.