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. 2010 Oct 5;2010:859101. doi: 10.4061/2010/859101

Table 4.

Environmental exposure to metals and electromagnetic fields in transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer's disease.

Mouse model Exposure Duration of the exposure Age at the start Effect on brain Effect on behavior Reference
TgV337M Aluminum-mltolate i.p. injection at various concentrations (50–100–200 μM) Max 14 days 3 months Al levels were too low to induce changes in tau phosphorylation in brain homogenates, but Al concentration was lethal Not measured [146]

Tg2576 Dietary aluminum (2 mg/kg diet) 9 months 3 months ↑ soluble and insoluble Aβ40 and Aβ42 in neocortical and hippocampal homogenates
↑ plaque load in hippocampus and neocortex
↑ oxidative stress markers
Not measured [115]

Tg2576 Dietary aluminum lactate (1 mg/g diet) 120 days 5 months No significant differences in Aβ40 and Aβ42 in cortical homogenates, no alterations in proliferation, survival or differentiation of BrdU-positive neurons in DG No improvement MWM [117]

Tg2576 Dietary aluminum lactate (1 mg/g diet) 6 months 5 months ↑ Al concentration in hippocampus and cerebellum
↑ Cu in hippocampus
↓ Fe in cerebellum
↑ Mn and Zn in neocortex, hippocampus and cerebellum
Not measured [118]

Tg2576 Dietary aluminum lactate (1 mg/g diet) 6 months 5 months ↑ Al concentrations in the hippocampus, but no difference between WT and Tg animals, no difference in oxidative stress reaction in the hippocampus between WT and Tg Not measured [116]

APPswe/PS1ΔE9 Iron carbonyl (1 mg/ml) 3 days P12 No difference in Aβ plaque load in hippocampus and temporal cortex, no difference in microglial activity
↑ GFAP levels in temporal cortex
↑ saturated fatty acids
↓ unsaturated fatty acids
↓ oxidative damage markers
Not measured [130]

APPswe/PS1ΔE9 Zinc-deficient (<10 parts Zn per million (ppm)) 3 months 9 months No significant difference in serum zinc levels, no difference cortical volume
↑ 25% in total plaque volume, no difference in number of plaques or laminar distribution, no difference in oxidative stress markers
Not measured [136]

Tg2576 Zinc in drinking water (10 ppm/0.153 mM Zn) ±12 months From conception ↓ Aβ deposits in hilar and molecular region of the DG ↓ spatial memory in MWM both in Tg and WT, buth most pronounced in Tg [137]

TgCRND8 Zinc in drinking water (10 ppm/0.153 mM Zn) 5 months From weaning No significant differences ↓ spatial memory in MWM both in Tg and WT, buth most pronounced in Tg [137]
TgC100 Zinc in diet (ZnSO4, 1000, 500 or 300 ppm) 15 months 7 weeks ↑ Brain Zn levels in brain homogenates
↓ Cu levels (n.s.)
↓ Cu/Zn ratio
↓ 13% soluble Aβ 40 (trend)
No changes in GFAP, SOD1, APP, C100, nor NF200 (neuron loss), no difference in intensity or distribution of Aβ or GFAP staining
Not measured [138]

TgC100 Copper in diet (CuSO4 150 or 100 ppm) 7 weeks 9 months No significant differences in Cu levels in brain homogenates
↑ Zn levels
↓ 18% soluble Aβ 40, no changes in GFAP, SOD1, APP, C100, nor NF200 (neuron loss), no difference in intensity or distribution of Aβ or GFAP staining
Not measured [138]

3xTg Copper sulfate (250 ppm) in 5% sucrose drinking water 3 or 9 months 2 months 3 months exposure:
↑ steady-state levels APP, C99 and BACE1
↑ Aβ 40 in total plaque load in hippocampus, no alterations in total tau, phospho-tau nor Thy1.2 transcription activity
↑ AT8-positive neurons in CA1, no changes in steady-state levels of cdk5, p35/p25, GSK-3β or phospho-GSK-3β
↓ SOD1 activity in brain homogenates
9 months exposure:
↑ steady-state levels APP, C99, C83, BACE1, ADAM10
↑ soluble Aβ40, phospho-tau, no alterations total tau levels
↑ p25 formation
↓ SOD1 activity
Not measured [143]

AβPPsw Electromagnetic field exposure (918 MHz, 0.25 W/kg ± 2 dB) 2 × 1 h p/d 7-8 month exposure 2 months
5 months
Young adult 7 months exposure, no significant differences in soluble Aβ in hippocampus + neocortex, no effect op hippocampal DNA repair enzymes, antioxidant enzyme markers, protein oxidative damage, nor striatal DNA oxidation
Aged adult 8 months exposure
↓ Aβ plaque load in hippocampus (−35%) and entorhinal cortex (−32%)
↑ soluble Aβ in hippocampus + neocortex
Young adult 7 months exposure
Prevention of cognitive deficits in retroactive interference
↑ Y-maze spontaneous alternation level
No differences in open field activity, balance beam, string agility, and elevated plus maze
Aged adult 8 months exposure
Reversal of cognitive deficits