Table 4.
Environmental exposure to metals and electromagnetic fields in transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer's disease.
Mouse model | Exposure | Duration of the exposure | Age at the start | Effect on brain | Effect on behavior | Reference |
TgV337M | Aluminum-mltolate i.p. injection at various concentrations (50–100–200 μM) | Max 14 days | 3 months | Al levels were too low to induce changes in tau phosphorylation in brain homogenates, but Al concentration was lethal | Not measured | [146] |
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Tg2576 | Dietary aluminum (2 mg/kg diet) | 9 months | 3 months | ↑ soluble and insoluble Aβ40 and Aβ42 in neocortical and hippocampal homogenates ↑ plaque load in hippocampus and neocortex ↑ oxidative stress markers |
Not measured | [115] |
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Tg2576 | Dietary aluminum lactate (1 mg/g diet) | 120 days | 5 months | No significant differences in Aβ40 and Aβ42 in cortical homogenates, no alterations in proliferation, survival or differentiation of BrdU-positive neurons in DG | No improvement MWM | [117] |
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Tg2576 | Dietary aluminum lactate (1 mg/g diet) | 6 months | 5 months | ↑ Al concentration in hippocampus and cerebellum ↑ Cu in hippocampus ↓ Fe in cerebellum ↑ Mn and Zn in neocortex, hippocampus and cerebellum |
Not measured | [118] |
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Tg2576 | Dietary aluminum lactate (1 mg/g diet) | 6 months | 5 months | ↑ Al concentrations in the hippocampus, but no difference between WT and Tg animals, no difference in oxidative stress reaction in the hippocampus between WT and Tg | Not measured | [116] |
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APPswe/PS1ΔE9 | Iron carbonyl (1 mg/ml) | 3 days | P12 | No difference in Aβ plaque load in hippocampus and temporal cortex, no difference in microglial activity ↑ GFAP levels in temporal cortex ↑ saturated fatty acids ↓ unsaturated fatty acids ↓ oxidative damage markers |
Not measured | [130] |
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APPswe/PS1ΔE9 | Zinc-deficient (<10 parts Zn per million (ppm)) | 3 months | 9 months | No significant difference in serum zinc levels, no difference cortical volume ↑ 25% in total plaque volume, no difference in number of plaques or laminar distribution, no difference in oxidative stress markers |
Not measured | [136] |
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Tg2576 | Zinc in drinking water (10 ppm/0.153 mM Zn) | ±12 months | From conception | ↓ Aβ deposits in hilar and molecular region of the DG | ↓ spatial memory in MWM both in Tg and WT, buth most pronounced in Tg | [137] |
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TgCRND8 | Zinc in drinking water (10 ppm/0.153 mM Zn) | 5 months | From weaning | No significant differences | ↓ spatial memory in MWM both in Tg and WT, buth most pronounced in Tg | [137] |
TgC100 | Zinc in diet (ZnSO4, 1000, 500 or 300 ppm) | 15 months | 7 weeks | ↑ Brain Zn levels in brain homogenates ↓ Cu levels (n.s.) ↓ Cu/Zn ratio ↓ 13% soluble Aβ 40 (trend) No changes in GFAP, SOD1, APP, C100, nor NF200 (neuron loss), no difference in intensity or distribution of Aβ or GFAP staining |
Not measured | [138] |
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TgC100 | Copper in diet (CuSO4 150 or 100 ppm) | 7 weeks | 9 months | No significant differences in Cu levels in brain homogenates ↑ Zn levels ↓ 18% soluble Aβ 40, no changes in GFAP, SOD1, APP, C100, nor NF200 (neuron loss), no difference in intensity or distribution of Aβ or GFAP staining |
Not measured | [138] |
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3xTg | Copper sulfate (250 ppm) in 5% sucrose drinking water | 3 or 9 months | 2 months |
3 months exposure: ↑ steady-state levels APP, C99 and BACE1 ↑ Aβ 40 in total plaque load in hippocampus, no alterations in total tau, phospho-tau nor Thy1.2 transcription activity ↑ AT8-positive neurons in CA1, no changes in steady-state levels of cdk5, p35/p25, GSK-3β or phospho-GSK-3β ↓ SOD1 activity in brain homogenates 9 months exposure: ↑ steady-state levels APP, C99, C83, BACE1, ADAM10 ↑ soluble Aβ40, phospho-tau, no alterations total tau levels ↑ p25 formation ↓ SOD1 activity |
Not measured | [143] |
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AβPPsw | Electromagnetic field exposure (918 MHz, 0.25 W/kg ± 2 dB) 2 × 1 h p/d | 7-8 month exposure | 2 months 5 months |
Young adult 7 months exposure, no significant differences in soluble Aβ in hippocampus + neocortex, no effect op hippocampal DNA repair enzymes, antioxidant enzyme markers, protein oxidative damage, nor striatal DNA oxidation Aged adult 8 months exposure ↓ Aβ plaque load in hippocampus (−35%) and entorhinal cortex (−32%) ↑ soluble Aβ in hippocampus + neocortex |
Young adult 7 months exposure
Prevention of cognitive deficits in retroactive interference ↑ Y-maze spontaneous alternation level No differences in open field activity, balance beam, string agility, and elevated plus maze Aged adult 8 months exposure Reversal of cognitive deficits |
[27] |