UNC-83 and UNC-84 are required at the onset of nuclear migration. (A and B) DIC images from a representative time-lapse sequence of wild-type (A) and unc-83(e1408) (B) nuclear migration in hyp7 precursors. t = 0 min when the tip of cell 12 reached the opposite seam cell boundary. Dorsal view, anterior is to the left. (A’ and B’) Cell borders are outlined in black, nuclei migrating left to right are purple, and nuclei migrating right to left are green. Hyp7 cells are numbered 9–16, beginning with the posterior pointer cells. Bar, 10 µm. (C) Quantification of side by side nuclear alignment. Ratios represent the number of nuclei that could be scored out of total nuclei. Times are shown in minutes. Many mutant nuclei failed to reach the dorsal midline before filming stopped at least 40 min after intercalation (*). The final column shows the percentage of nuclei that failed to complete migration. (D and E) Lamin::GFP from wild-type (D) and unc-83(e1408) (E) time-lapse imaging. The image of lamin::GFP pseudocolored red was taken 60 s before the image in green. Bar, 1 µm.