Figure 8.
The Hiw E3 ubiquitin ligase negatively regulates injury signaling and regeneration. (A) The hiwΔN mutant shows a dramatic increase of puc-lacZ and decrease of DVGLUT intensity in motoneuron cell bodies, and these changes require wnd function. (B) Quantification of puc-lacZ intensity for genotypes in A and when Fos and Glued are inhibited by expressing UAS-FosDN or UAS-GluedDN in the hiwΔN;puc-lacZ/+ mutant background. These results suggest that hiw regulates a retrograde signaling pathway. (C) Examples of the proximal stump morphology at different time points after injury. In hiwΔN mutants, many injured axons form long new branches within 6 h of injury. In contrast, sprouting is not readily apparent in WT axons until 12 h after injury. (D) Time course of regeneration ratio comparing WT and hiwΔN mutants. *, P < 0.05. Error bars indicate mean ± SEM. Bars, 25 µm.