Figure 2.
Phylogenetic conservation of the H-H kissing loop interaction and loop E motif of RNase L ciRNA in group C enteroviruses. RNase L ciRNA sequences from 51 group C enterovirus sequences; 24 poliovirus type 1 (PV1) sequences, 9 poliovirus type 2 (PV2) sequences, 3 poliovirus type 3 (PV3) sequences, and 14 non-poliovirus group C enteroviruses, Coxsackie A viruses 11, 13, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21 and 24. (A) Stem-loop 1 and stem-loop 4 RNA sequences (nucleotides 5774–5809 and 5939–5959 of poliovirus). Sequences within putative H-H type kissing loop interaction highlighted in light blue. (B) Sequences adjacent to the loop E motif (nucleotides 5917–5938 and 5749–5774 of poliovirus). Putative loop E motif sequences highlighted in green. Nucleotide accession numbers: PV1: NC_022058, V001149, AY184119, V01150, AF538841, AF538840, AF538842, AF538843, AF462418 (PV1*), AF462419, AJ32960, AJ132961, AF405682, AF405690, AF405669, AF405666, AY560657, AF111953, AF111981, AF111961, AF111966, AF111983, AF111984 (PV1**), AY278553. PV2: AY177685, AY184220, AY278549, AY278550, AY278552, AY278551, AF448782, AF44873, M12197; PV3: AY184221, K01392, AJ293918, X04468; AF499636_CAV11, AF465511_CAV13, AF499637_CAV13, AF465512_CAV15, AF499639_CAV15, AF499639_CAV17, AF465513_CAV18, AF399640_CAV18, AF465514_CAV20, AF499642_CAV20, AF465515_CAV21, AF546702_CAV21, D00538_CAV21, D90457_CAV24.