Figure 5.
Mutation of ciRNA U5755 prevents the inhibition of RNase L. RNase L activity in reactions containing 20 nM RNase L, 20 nM 2–5A, 100 nM FRET probe and 100 nM of the indicated viral RNAs; poliovirus ciRNA (blue line), poliovirus ciRNA U5755G (purple line), poliovirus ciRNA U5755C (brown line), poliovirus ciRNA U5755A (green line). A negative control reaction incubated without RNase L (probe alone, grey line). A positive control reaction containing FRET probe, RNase L, and 2–5A without poliovirus ciRNA (probe + RNase L + 2–5A, black line). A control reaction containing 100 nM of an alternate fragment of the poliovirus ORF (2123, yellow line, poliovirus nucleotides 5889–6181). RFU plotted versus time of incubation.