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. 2010 Oct 12;8(10):e1000513. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1000513

Figure 4. Effects of BMAL activator level on circadian oscillations in a stochastic model of isolated cellular oscillators.

Figure 4

(A) Histograms of simulated isolated cell mean period lengths at various percentages of total WT BMAL. These results show that as the percentage of total BMAL decreases, the mean period length decreases, along with an increase in the variance of the period. (B) The figure shows that as we go below certain percentage of total BMAL, rhythms in a population of uncoupled single cells disappear. This figure is an alternative way to observe bifurcations by plotting the period from a population of single un-coupled cells as a function of total BMAL. Below ∼20% of total BMAL, rhythms disappear in single cells, indicating a Hopf bifurcation at this point. (C) The bifurcation diagram of a single oscillator as a function of total BMAL using a deterministic model. The y-axis plots the value G, which mathematically represents the fraction of time an E-box is activated. This was chosen since this variable affects basically all parts of the model (in particular PER1, PER2 CRY1, CRY2, all their relevant complexes, and the coupling factor). In theory, any possible variable could be used for the bifurcation diagram and the same behavior (i.e., a Hopf bifurcation) would be observed. Plotted on this diagram are the minimum and maximum (red and blue, respectively) values from the oscillation of G at a particular value of total BMAL—100% BMAL corresponds to WT BMAL. When these values are equal, the system is at rest and no oscillations are present; however, as these values begin to diverge, oscillations are observed. At approximately 22% of total BMAL, we begin to observe oscillations, indicating that a Hopf bifurcation exists at this point (see inset). Therefore, single cells show no sustained rhythmic behavior below ∼22% of total BMAL. (D) Representative traces of PER2::LUC bioluminescence measured experimentally in WT isolated SCN neurons and their respective FFT spectrograms are shown in the top row. Representative traces of WT simulated isolated cells and their respective FFT spectrograms are shown in the bottom row. (E) Representative traces and their respective FFT spectrograms of Bmal1 −/− experimental (first two rows) and simulated isolated cells (bottom rows). These results show a loss of circadian rhythms in single Bmal1 −/− SCN cells in both experimental and simulated isolated cells. (F) FFT spectral analysis for PER2::LUC rhythms recorded from dissociated SCN neurons. A cell was considered to show significant circadian periodicity when spectral analysis indicated a peak in the circadian range (20–36 h) large enough such that a 0.14 cycles/day window centered on the peak accounted for at least 10% of the total variance in the record (FFT power spectrum, Blackman-Harris windowing, peak amplitude ≥0.1) as described previously [40]. All (243 of 243) Bmal1 −/− cells were equal to or below a 0.1 cutoff value for circadian rhythmicity (indicated by the dotted line), whereas approximately 80% of WT neurons were above this cutoff value and displayed circadian rhythmicity. (G) FFT spectral analysis on simulated PER2::LUC rhythms from isolated SCN neurons. A cell was considered to show significant circadian periodicity using the same criterion as in (F). All but two (248 of 250) WT cells were above the 0.1 cutoff value (indicated by the dotted line) for circadian rhythmicity. Only 5 of 250 simulated Bmal1 −/− neurons were equal to or above this cutoff value.