Figure 3.
Behavioral performance on CPT and RTT tasks during absence seizures. Behavioral tasks consisted of 32 s blocks of letter presentations, alternating with 32 s of fixation. Letters were presented once per second. a) For CPT, the target (X) occurred at random, at an average rate of once per 4 seconds. Mean omission error rate during seizures was 81%.(13/16). b) During RTT, patients were instructed to push the button for all letters (no Xs were presented). Mean omission error rate during seizures was 39% (24/60). ●= correct response to target. ○ = omission error. Symbols appear at time of letter presentation. Response was required within 1000 ms of letter presentation. Vertical line at t = 0 is seizure onset. Other vertical lines denote seizure end. 22 seizures were recorded during task blocks, but two seizures had no target letters occurring during the spike-wave discharge, and one could not be analyzed due to technical difficulty with button press recording, resulting in 19 seizures total.