Growth inhibition by LolA(I93C/F140C). (A and B) E. coli MY201 (wild type) (A) and MY202 (cpx::spc) (B) cells harboring either pSW77, which encodes wild-type LolA (open circles), or pSWIF, which encodes LolA(I93C/F140C) (closed circles), were grown to the early logarithmic phase of growth (OD660 = 0.2), and then the expression of FLAG-tagged LolA proteins was induced for 3 h by the addition of various concentrations of arabinose. Cellular growth was then measured as OD660. (C and D) Cell lysates were prepared from MY201 (C) and MY202 (D) cells and examined by SDS-PAGE and Western blotting with anti-FLAG peptide antibodies. The amounts of cell lysates examined for LolA(I93C/F140C) were five times higher than those examined for wild-type LolA because the mutant protein was unstable and expressed at a low level.