Figure 9. Waterbird right tarsometatarsi in distal aspect.
Phaethon aethereus FMNH 348136 (A), Phoebastria nigripes FMNH 339601 (B), Eudyptula minor FMNH 106505 (C), Copepteryx hexeris USNM 243773–cast of KMNH VP 200,001 (D), Pelecanus erythrorhynchos FMNH 445082 (E), Sula sula FMNH 339372 (F), and Fregata minor FMNH 339421 (G). Scale bars equal 5 mm for (A–C, E–G), and 10 mm for (D). Abbreviations: in II, incisure in the medial side of the distal edge of trochlea metatarsal II; sul II, sulcus on the dorsal face of trochlea metatarsal II.