Table 3. Refinement statistics for the crystal structure of B. burgdorferi Pur-α.
Dataset | SeMet Peak |
Data range in Å | 70.9-1.9 |
Reflections | 21,157 |
Rwork in % | 18.5 (22.6) |
Rfree in % | 23.0 (31.9) |
RMSD bond length in Å | 0.010 |
RMSD bond angles in deg | 1.169 |
Ramachandran plot in %Favored/Allowed/Outlier | 98/2/0 |
Average B-factor in Å2 | 23.5 |
RMSD, root mean square deviation of Cα-carbon atoms of the main chain. Rwork, ∑ hkl II Fobs (hkl)I -IFcalc II/∑ hkl I Fobs (hkl)I for reflections in the working dataset. Rfree, cross validation R-factor for 5% of reflections against which the model was not refined. The highest resolution shell is 1.90–1.95 Å (in parentheses).