Figure 5. GP63 delivery into the host cell is mediated via lipid raft.
(A) B10R macrophages were pre-treated or not with 2 µM cytochalasin D for 1 hr and then infected with L. mexicana for indicated times. (B) B10R macrophages were incubated with either with whole parasite or culture supernatant of L. mexicana promastigotes. Macrophages were pre-treated or not with 20 mM of methyl β-ciclodextrin (MβCD) for 1 hr and infected with L. mexicana promastigotes (C), incubated with L. mexicana supernatant (D) or recombinant GP63 (rGP63) (E). For all the Figures, total cell extracts and β-actin as a loading control were used.