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. 2010 Aug 26;4:32. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2010.00032

Table 1.

RSN differences between the younger and the older ICA group runs.

Max T score Center of change
Name IC# Max t-score MNI-coordinates # voxels MNI-coordinates Anatomical area
Exec 6 6.19 30 38 24 1111 30 42 -8 ACG, F.pole
DMNpcc 11 4.5 −62 −70 28
S1 13 5.56 −58 2 20 1820 −54 −74 −16 PostCG
A1 14 3.98 −70 −18 16
DMNo-mcc 16 6.18 2 −86 48 246 6 −46 12 PCC, Precun.
V1lat 19 6.88 −42 −70 4 831 −34 −78 −40 V3−4
PM–PS 20 5.85 42 −86 24 1707 50 −86 0
SALpCG 23 4.5 −46 34 24 40 −46 30 −16 Brocas area
M1sin 26 6.67 −30 −14 80 348 −38 −26 48 PreCG sin
V1med 29 6.08 −10 −90 36 635 −14 −66 −24 Ling.Gyrus V1
M1dx 31 4.67 50 −26 64 132 54 −26 64 PreCG dx
S2 47 5.27 −2 −34 24 173 −66 −58 32 SMG
M1feet 48 4.9 −50 −18 48 212 −54 −14 4 PreCG
DMNvmpf 49 5.41 14 2 32 1029 2 −18 16 ACG
DMNpcc-V1 51 4.36 26 −58 12
M1 hands 56 5.36 10 −22 64 143 10 −22 60 PreCG
S1feet 57 3.37 −2 62 12
V1 dors 58 5.56 2 −94 36 97 10 −86 −8 V1
DMNacg 62 5.26 −10 18 36 872 6 42 −16 ACG
SALrFIC 65 4.13 −50 −70 44
Exec 16 4.57 38 42 24 92 42 42 8 ACG, F. pole
DMNpcc 42 7.4 14 −50 −4 593 10 −54 −8 PCC- Precun.
S2 8 5.58 58 −18 32 333 58 −26 16
A1 62 4.43 −50 −22 −4
DMNo-mcc 18 6.07 6 −30 20 554 2 −42 0 PCC, Precun.
V1lat 53 5.58 −30 −78 12 114 38 −62 −32
PM–PS 47 4.73 22 −62 −32
SALpCG1 30 5.59 74 −46 −8 1 50 −42 −4 Brocas area
SALpCG2 35 4.47 38 −66 −4
M1 sin 11 4.12 −38 −42 56
V1med 66 5.94 14 −62 −20 337 26 −74 −24 Ling.Gyrus V1
M1dx 70 4.52 −62 10 24
S2 64 4.19 50 −10 72
M1feet 47 4.73 22 −62 −32
DMNvmpf 61 4.29 −42 −18 −12
M1 feet 69 3.93 74 −22 32
S2 feet 20 3.71 −42 −70 −52
V1dors 29 5.46 −10 −90 20 182 −14 −90 −4 V1
DMN acg 54 4.4 54 −46 20 10 6 6 52 ACG
SALrFIC 40 4.97 58 6 −8 104 2 6 36 SMA, ACG

# voxels, number of voxels; Exec, executive; DMN, default mode network; pcc, peri-cingulate cortex; mcc, medial cingl.; rFIC, right Fronto-Insular cortex; S1, primary somatosensory cortex; A1, primary auditory center; V1lat; V1med; V1dors; primary lateral/medial/dorsal visual cortex, PM–PS; premotor–postsensory area; SALpCG, Salience + posterior cingulated gyrus; M1, primary motor cortex; S2, secondary somatosensory cortex; vmpf, ventro-medial prefrontal cortex; acg, ACG anterior cingulate gyrus; Supramarg. gyrus, supramarginal gyrus; F. pole, Frontal pole; Ling. G., Lingual Gyrus; Precun., Precuneus; PreCG, Precentral Gyrus; PostCG, Postcentral gyrus; pcc, PCC, posterior cingulated cortex; SMA, supplementary motor area (i.e., juxtapositional lobule).

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