The genetic organization of Ikeda_spe6 and distribution of genes homologous to CDSs on Ike_spe6. Ike_spe6 is the longest strain-specific sequence found in the Ikeda genome. In (a), the G + C content of this region (top part; the average G + C content of the Ikeda genome is indicated by a broken line), distribution of homologs for Ike_spe6-encoded genes (middle part) and the genetic organizations of Ike_spe6 (bottom part) are shown. White, gray and black boxes indicate singleton genes, repeated genes and IS elements (or MITEs), respectively. Species and strain designations are as follows: Rp, Rickettsia prowazekii strain Madrid E; Rf, Rickettsia felis strain URRWXCal2; Rb, Rickettsia bellii strain RML369-C; Wol, Wolbachia pipientis strain wMel; Wbm, Wolbachia sp. strain TRS; Pcu, Candidatus Protochlamydia amoebophila strain UWE25; Lpn, Legionella pneumophila strain Philadelphia-1; Lpp, Legionella pneumophila strain Paris; Lpf, Legionella pneumophila strain Lens. The presence of pseudogenes is indicated by ‘i*’. In (b), the genetic organization of the insertion site for Ike_spe6 is shown. Ike_spe6 is flanked by two mISOts4 elements (ISOts4-related MITE), thus displaying a composite transposon (Tn)-like structure with terminal inverted repeats of 95 bp. This Tn-like element is integrated into OtRG34, creating a target site duplication of 5 bp (black arrowheads).