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. 2010 Aug 6;61(15):4423–4436. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erq248

Table 2.

Seed longevity-associated QTLs of seeds stored under conventional and CD conditions—low-resolution mapping

Type of seeds Year Type of ageing LG QTL Closest marker 1–LOD interval (cM) LOD score R2 Additive effect Multilocus analysis (Pr >F)
Control 2002 Conv 7 Slg7.1 LE3064 35–57 3.07 0.11 B 0.016
2006 Conv 1 Slg1.1 LE3190 38–61 2.62 0.076 B 0.021
4 Slg4.1 1A01-129 20–46 3.79 0.112 A
4 Slg4.2 L317 61–118 5.95 0.192 B
2002 CD 2 SlgCD2.1 LE7005 94–120 3.76 0.148 A
2006 CD 1 SlgCD1.1 M1730 18–42 3.02 0.082 A <0.0001
3 SlgCD3.1 E35/M49-F-207 9–30 3.34 0.091 A <0.0001
4 SlgCD4.1 E45/M49-F-203 0–32 2.61 0.072 A 0.004
4 SlgCD4.2 LE3042 64–87 3.90 0.11 B
6 SlgCD6.1 E51/M49-F-206 0–18 3.60 0.103 A
Primed 2006 Conv 1 SlgP1.1 E54/M48-F-124 47–71 2.88 0.126 A 0.001
4 SlgP4.1 LM0052 22–45 2.72 0.123 A 0.012
2006 CD 1 SlgPCD1.1 LE0193 42–63 2.99 0.093 A <0.0001
2 SlgPCD2.1 E35/M59-F-234 76–100 3.95 0.136 A
3 SlgPCD3.1 1A03-253 0–48 3.17 0.076 A
6 SlgPCD6.1 Contig6010-1 0–18 4.11 0.138 A
8 SlgPCD8.1 Contig15680-2 109–134 4.29 0.127 B

Low-resolution mapping was performed across all linkage groups. Seeds of the RIL populations were produced in 2002 (control) and 2006 (control and primed). Multilocus ANOVA results are shown for loci with marginally significant LOD (log of odds) scores. Additive effects were conferred by alleles from A, L. sativa; and B, L. serriola.

CD, controlled deterioration; conv, conventional; LG, linkage group; P, primed; Slg, Seed longevity.