Fig. 1.
Methods used for virus inoculation and subsequent virus isolation from various surfaces. a Virus was recovered from a 3-cm2 test piece of a rubber glove, N95 particulate respirator, non-woven surgical mask, and gown made of Dupont Tyvek. A 3-cm2 area of coated wooden desk and stainless steel was enclosed with tape for application of the viral suspension. b The liquid remaining on the coated wooden desk and stainless steel was recovered by aspiration with a dropper. c The residual liquid after aspiration and the dried liquid were recovered by wiping with absorbent cotton. d The liquid thus recovered was placed in a centrifuge tube containing 5 mL phosphate buffered saline, and the resulting solution was mixed for 30 s on a Vortex mixer to wash out the test virus. The virus solutions thus obtained were used as samples for quantification