(A) Confocal merged images from epididymal fat pads from HFD and ω-3 FA enriched HFD (HFD+ω3)-fed WT and GPR120 KO mice, co-stained with anti-F4/80 (green) and anti-Caveolin1 (blue) antibodies, left 4 panels, or anti-MGL1 (green) and anti-Caveolin1 (red) antibodies, right 4 panels. The image is representative of similar results from 3–4 independent experiments. Scale bar represents 100 μm. (B) Dot plot representation of CD11b versus CD11c expression for FACS data obtained from adipose tissue SVF of NC, HFD or HFD+ω3-fed WT and GPR120 KO. Scattergram is representative from three independent mice from each group. (C and D) Migratory capacity of IPMacs from WT and GPR120 KO mice as measured using an in vitro transwell chemotaxis assay as described under supplemental experimental procedures. Data are expressed as mean±SEM of three independent experiments in triplicate. *, p<0.05 vs. CM treatment.