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. 2010 Sep 29;5:24. doi: 10.1186/1750-1172-5-24

Table 1.

Clinical and Biological Expressions of Chylomicron Retention Disease in Studies with Genotyping

Clinical signs Age at onset of symptoms Transient or permanent symptoms Prevalence in childhood Power of discrimination
Failure to thrive Infancy (1 to 6 m) transient if low LCFA diet 80% +
Gastrointestinal symptoms and signs
Diarrhea Infancy (1 to 6 m) transient if low LCFA diet 100% +
Vomiting Infancy (1 to 6 m) transient if low LCFA diet 60% +
Abdominal distension Infancy (1 to 6 m) transient if low LCFA diet 65% +
Hepatomegaly, Steatosis Infancy or late childhood transit or permanent 15%
Retinopathy Adult permanent 100% +++
Visual abnormalities Late childhood or adult (6 to 10 y) transient if early treatment 30% +
Hypo or Areflexia Late childhood or adult (4 to 10 y) permanent 5% +
Myopathy Adult permanent 0% +
EMG abnormalities Late childhood or adult (4 to 10 y) transient if early treatment 25% +
Decreased proprioception Late childhood or adult (4 to 10 y) transient if early treatment 0% +
Cardiomyopathy/Biological signs Adult permanent? 0% +
Normal TG§ Infancy (1 to 6 m) transit or permanent 90% +++
Low Total cholesterol§§ Infancy (1 to 6 m) permanent 100% moderate decrease ++
Low LDL Infancy (1 to 6 m) permanent 100% moderate decrease ++
Low HDL†† Infancy (1 to 6 m) permanent 100% +++
Normal Fasting lipids in parents 100% +
High CK (N < 100 mmol/L) Infancy (1 to 6 m) - (460 ± 100) permanent 60% +++
Hepatic cytolysis (ALT < 40 mmol/L) Infancy to late childhood - (60 ± 20) transient or permanent 95% +
Vitamin E deficiency (N > 18.4 μmol/L) Infancy (1 to 6 m) - (2.7 ± 0.3) permanent 95% +
Vitamin A deficiency (N > 1.61 μmol/L) Infancy (1 to 6 m) - (0.8 ± 0.5) transit if supplementation 70% +
Vitamin D deficiency (N > 50 nmol/L) Infancy (1 to 6 m) - (31 ± 17) transit if supplementation 45% +
Vitamin K deficiency (N > 2.26 mmol/L) Infancy (1 to 6 m) - (1.15 ± 0.6) transit if supplementation 45% +
Steatorrhea (N < 5 g/d) Infancy (1 to 6 m) - (7.5 ± 3.6) transit or permanent 85% +
Negative Oral Fat Load Infancy (1 to 6 m) Permanent ? 100% +
No acantocytosis Infancy (1 to 6 m) transit or permanent 90% +++
EFA deficiency* (20:3n-9/20:4n-6) Infancy to late childhood permanent but variations 55% +
Endoscopic and histological signs
White duodenal mucosa Infancy (1 to 6 m) permanent? Fat load dependent 100% ++
Enterocyte vacuolization, chylomicron-like Infancy (1 to 6 m) permanent? Fat load dependent 100% ++

+: no; ++: few; +++: highly discriminative; N: normal

§ X value (mmol/L) is the same in CRD as in controls (0.73)

§§ X value (mmol/L) is decreased by 60% in CRD (1.49 ± 0.56) vs controls (3.73 ± 0.80)

X value (mmol/L) is decreased by 75% in CRD (0.69 ± 0.38) vs controls (2.33 ± 0.64)

†† X value (mmol/L) is decreased by 5% in CRD (0.46 ± 0.08) vs controls (1.07 ± 0.22)

*X ratio in CRD is 0.04 ± 0.02 and 0.01 ± 0.005 in controls