Using cells expressing Kv1.5 channels at high density, current recordings were made in pH 5.4, 3.5 mm K+ solution. Following a 20 ms control pulse, the recovery of current in 3.5 mm was monitored, in A, after a 500 ms pulse to +50 mV or, in B, after channel availability was decreased by a 5 s exposure to K+-free, pH 5.4 solution. Recovery was monitored using 20 ms test pulses applied at increasing intervals within the same sweep. C, peak test current amplitudes from A and B were normalized with respect to the initial control pulse and plotted against the cumulative recovery time spent at −80 mV. Both data sets were well fitted by a mono-exponential function and had similar time constants. Data shown are from the same cell and are representative of 3 experiments. D, data from another cell (representative of 4 such experiments), where the experiment protocol was analogous to that of panels A and B, and was performed at pH 7.4 with 2 mm Ni2+. As with low pH, the time courses of recovery from enhanced slow inactivation and resting inactivation were similar.