Figure 4. The mGluR current elicited by flash photorelease of glutamate is also facilitated by AMPAR inhibition.
A, flash photolysis of MNI-glutamate at the time indicated by the arrow activated a fast AMPA/KA current and a slow mGluR current (control trace in black, average of 3 traces). Upon partial block of the AMPA response by 1 μm NBQX (dotted black trace, average of 3 traces) the peak mGluR current increased from −807 pA to −1624 pA. Further block of the AMPA current following addition of 10 μm NBQX (dotted grey trace, average of 4 traces) failed to potentiate the mGluR amplitude further. B, amplitude plot of the AMPA/KA current and mGluR current. C, bar graph of the average amplitude ±s.e.m. for the mGluR current and individual data points. Both NBQX and GYKI increased the amplitude of the current significantly. Wilcoxon signed ranks test, P < 0.01 and P < 0.02, respectively.