Figure 3.
Amino acid sequence alignments. Sequence alignments of heme domain of CYP102A1 (residues 1–472) of B. megaterium flavocytochrome P450 BM3 (NCBI accession number A34286) with the respective domain of CYP102A2 from B. subtilis (NCBI accession number O08394). The alignments were produced using Clustal W [25] and visualied using ESPript [26]. The secondary structure of CYP102A1 (pdb 1FAG) and numbering are shown above the alignment. Alpha helices and beta strands are represented as helices and arrows, respectively, and beta turns are marked with TT. Conserved areas are shown shaded. A column is framed, if more than 70% of its residues are similar according to physicochemical properties.