Figure 5.
Binding of mAb F20-29 to reduced (squares) and nonreduced (circles) recPrP(90–231) (A) and mAbs F4-31 (B), F20-89a (C), and F20-49 (D) to reduced (squares) and nonreduced (circles) recBoPrP(102–241), as measured by ELISA. Reduced samples were incubated overnight with 10 mM DTT at 4 °C. (E) Western blot of reduced (odd-numbered lanes) and nonreduced (even-numbered lanes) recBoPrP(102–241), probed with recFab HuM-P (lanes 3–4), mAb F4-31 (lanes 5–6); and F10-26 (lanes 7–8). PrP was silver stained as a control (lanes 1–2). Apparent molecular masses based on the migration of protein standards are shown in kDa.