A: hepatic quantitative real-time PCR gene expression ratios for LCFA transporter genes in controls and 6 experimental groups with hepatic steatosis. No regulation was seen for Cav1, and no upregulation for Slc27a1 was observed in any of the experimental groups. Got2, Slc27a2, and Slc27a5 were significantly upregulated in the EtOH groups, but not in HFD mice. Cd36 was upregulated in all experimental groups. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01. B: relationship of hepatocyte Cd36 gene expression ratio to Vmax for saturable hepatocellular LCFA uptake. A similar relationship was found for total LCFA uptake (not shown). Cd36 expression shows a tight logarithmic correlation with LCFA uptake in groups with functional leptin signaling (r = 0.95). However, uptake is far less than predicted from this regression and Cd36 expression ratio in ob/ob and db/db mice. Values are group means ± SE.