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. 2010 Oct 19;7(10):e1000352. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1000352

Table 8. Relationship between exposure to information from drug companies and prescribing frequency (by year of publication and then study design/size).

Exposure to Information from Drug Company Study (First Author Name) Results Change in Prescribing Frequency Results
Effect of PSR visits Ching [78] Higher levels of detailing for enalapril/hydrochlorothiazide and lisinopril/hydrochlorothiazide was associated with higher levels of demand (prescriptions) Detailing elasticity 0.1–0.27 (p<0.05)
Kreyenbuhl [31] Meeting PSRs >4 times in the preceding month was not associated with the “add” rather than “switch” strategy for antipsychotic medication prescribing OR 1.22 (95% CI 0.68–2.20)
Steinman [8] PSR visits of ≤5 min versus >5 min were not associated with intention to prescribe No association detected
PSR visits to doctors in a small group were associated with increase in more frequent intention to prescribea OR 12.9 (95% CI 1.2–138.8)b
PSR visits were associated with increased gabapentin prescribing if physician's previous gabapentin prescribing was nila OR 15.1 (95% CI 3.9–58.2)b reference group - medium prescribers of gabapentin
PSR visits were associated with increased gabapentin prescribing if physician's previous gabapentin prescribing was lowa OR 8.6 (95% CI 2.4–31.4)b reference group, medium prescribers of gabapentin
Venkataraman [40] PSR visits were associated with increased n prescriptions Beta coefficient: +0.944 (significant with a 95% CI)
Canli [32] PSR visits were associated with increased antibiotic prescribinga p = 0.0001*
Chintagunta [42] Higher levels of detailing were associated with higher market share for that brand in the three of the countries studied and no significant difference in two others Detailing related change in market share; US; beta coefficient +0.06; t statistic 3 (p<0.05); Germany; beta coefficient +0.73; t statistic 3.6 (p<0.05); France; beta coefficient +4.17; t statistic 7.87 (p<0.05); Italy; beta coefficient +0.24; t statistic 0.96 (p>0.05); UK; beta coefficient +0.29; t statistic 1.61 (p>0.05)
Narayanan [43] PSR visits were associated with an increase in market share 1% increase in expenditure on detailing was associated with increases in market shares for promoted drugs ranging from 0.11% to 0.14% (p<0.05)
Verdoux [63] PSR visits were associated with general practitioners initiating a newer antipsychotic medication OR 2.80 (95% CI 2.09–3.76); p = 0.0001
Mizik [45] PSR visits were associated with increased prescribing of Drugs A, B. and C Drug A: 1 PSR visit generates 1.56 new prescriptions (95% CI 0.8–2.23) or 0.64 visits to induce one prescription
Drug B: 1 PSR visit generates 0.32 new prescriptions (95% CI 0.22–0.43) or 3.11 visits to induce one prescription
Drug C: 1 PSR visit generates 0.153 new prescriptions (95% CI 0.11–0.2) or 6.54 visits to induce one prescription
Donohue [44] Expenditure on PSR visits is associated with higher probability that the detailed antidepressant is prescribed Beta coefficient +0.703 (p<0.001)
Stafford [56] Decreasing promotional expenditure was associated with a decrease in prescribing for alpha blockersc Decreased with decreased promotion
Manchanda [46] PSR visits were associated with more new prescriptions 1.8 detailing visits results in 5 new prescriptions (average result)b
Manchanda and Chintagunta [47] PSR visits were not associated with a significant change in mean prescriptions Beta coefficient +0.83 detailing t statistic 0.675 (p>0.05)
More frequent PSR visits were associated with diminishing increases in prescribing Quadratic term for PSR visits: −0.49; t statistic −0.49 (p>0.05)
Berndt [48] PSR detailing were associated with increased cumulative days of therapy Beta coefficient +0.7414; t statistic 43.12 (p<0.01)
Rosenthal [79] PSR visits were associated with increased frequency of prescription Beta coefficient +0.017; t statistic 4.25 (p<0.05)
Prosser [67] PSR visits were more likely to be cited as a prescribing influence by high prescribers than by low prescribers OR 7.32 (95% 1.64–32.61); Fisher exact test; p = 0.002
Azoulay [49] PSR detailing is associated with diffusion of product information and performance on the product market with marketing activities having a more pronounced effect than scientific information in the form of clinical trial reportsc Beta coefficient +0.654; t statistic 10.17 (p<0.05)
Gonul [69] PSR visits in minutes were a positive predictor of medication prescription Beta coefficient +0.1085; t statistic 5.32 (p<0.001)
Caamano [68] PSR visits were not associated with the n prescriptions Adjusted regression coefficient −0.490.001; p = 0.998
Schwartz [27] PSR visits to residents were associated with increased initiation of prescriptions for 12 drugsa p<0.05 for all*
PSR visits were not associated with increased prescription of one medication however for this medication unlike the others there had been more PSR visits in the control group No association detected (p>0.05)*
Rizzo [50] PSR visits were associated with increased prescription sales Beta coefficient +0.28; t statistic 4.19 (p<0.01)
PSR visits may result in diminishing returns given the quadratic beta coefficient is statistically significant and negative Quadratic sales coefficient for PSR visits: −0.490.01 (p>0.05)
Chren [38] PSR meetings were associated with a formulary request Multivariate result: OR = 3.4 (95% CI 1.8–6.6); p<0.001
Berings [72] PSR visits were not significantly associated with benzodiazepine prescribinga Linear regression analysis: beta 0.16 (p = 0.05 to 0.1)
Cleary [26] PSR visits were associated with an increase in prescribing of promoted medications; prescribing of them decreased when they were not promoted Ceftriaxone 24.2% and 27.8% increase in promoted periods; p<0.05
Cefotaxime 14.6% and 26.2% increase in promoted periods; p<0.05
Ceftazidime (promoted in period I but not promoted in period II): 27.7% decrease when not promoted in period II (p<0.05) and 10% increase in period III after being promoted again; p<0.05
Lurie [73] PSR visits for faculty staff for less than 5 min were associated with more prescribing Logistic regression coefficient 0.016; p = 0.03
PSR visits for faculty staff for more than 5 min were not associated with a change in prescribing p>0.10 (coefficient not presented where result not significant)
PSR visits for faculty staff for less than 5 min were not associated with an addition to the hospital formulary Logistic regression coefficient 0.014; p = 0.06
PSR visits for faculty staff for more than 5 min were not associated with an addition to the hospital formulary p>0.10 (coefficient not presented where result not significant)
PSR visits for residents for less than 5 min were associated with more prescribing Logistic regression coefficient 0.049; p = 0.003
PSR visits for residents for more than 5 min were not associated with a change in prescribing p>0.10 (coefficient not presented where result not significant)
PSR visits for residents for less than 5 min were not associated with an addition to the hospital formulary p>0.10 (coefficient not presented where result not significant)
PSR visits for residents for more than 5 min were not associated with an addition to the hospital formulary p>0.10 (coefficient not presented where result not significant)
Peay [33] PSR visits were associated with temazepam prescription Multivariate regression: −0.35 (p<0.002)
Blondeel [81] Based on responses to 8 case-histories: Multivariate regression:
First contact with a drug from the pharmaceutical industry was not associated with proneness to prescribe p = 0.05–0.1
Number of PSRs received was not associated with proneness to prescribe p>0.1
Based on prescriptions for actual patients:
First contact with a drug from the pharmaceutical industry was not associated with proneness to prescribe p>0.1
Number of PSRs received was associated with proneness to prescribe p<0.05
Mackowiak [52] PSR visit expenditure was not associated with a change market size nor market share for benzodiazepines or diuretics No association detected
Becker [77] PSR visits per month were not associated with chloramphenicol prescribing Gamma statistic 0.236; not significant
Journal advertisements Hemminki [25] Journal advertisements were associated with a trend for increased hormone replacement therapy (HRT) prescribing in Estonia Increased prescriptions
Charbit [34] Journal advertising was associated with increased prescriptions of ARA. When journal advertisements for ACE inhibitors and CCB decreased, their market share also decreased 10.5% decrease in mean annual advertising of ACE inhibitors associated with 19.3% decrease in market share 11% decrease in mean annual advertising for CCBs associated with 19.3% decrease in market share. 20.5% increase in mean annual advertising rate for ARAs associated with 22.9% increase in market share
Prosser [67] Journal advertisements were no more likely to be cited as a prescribing influence by high prescribers than by low prescribers 9% high prescribers versus 0% of low prescribers; Fisher exact test; p = 0.18
Azoulay [49] Journal advertisements were associated with diffusion of product information and performance on the product market with marketing activities having a more pronounced effect than scientific information in the form of clinical trial reportsc Beta coefficient +0.112; t statistic 4.753 (p<0.05)
Jones [70] Journal advertisements were not associated with PCP prescribing No association detected
Healthcare Communications [80] Journal advertisement recognition was associated with increased market share for the advertised medication 14.5% difference in market share between those physicians not recognising advertisements (19.6%) and those associating the advertisement message with the product (34.1%)
Walton [75] Journal advertisement recognition was associated with medication prescription OR 1.68 (95% CI 1.21–2.35)b
Becker [77] Infrequent use of journal advertisement use was not associated with chloramphenicol prescribing Gamma statistic −0.186 not statistically significant
Infrequent use of journal advertisements to learn about the usefulness of new medications was associated with reduced chloramphicol prescribinga Gamma statistic +0.51; p<0.05
Attendance at pharmaceutical company-sponsored meeting Kreyenbuhl [31] Attendance at pharmaceutical sponsored CME meetings more than once in the preceding month was associated with the “add” rather than “switch” strategy for antipsychotic medication prescribinga OR 2.32 (95% CI 1.29–4.18); p = 0.005*
Venkataraman [40] Attendance at pharmaceutical sponsored meetings was not significantly associated with prescriptions for 7 out of 12 brands Beta coefficient −0.659 (significant with a 90% CI)
Narayanan [43] Attendance at pharmaceutical company-sponsored meetings was associated with an increase in promoted medication market share A 1% increase in expenditure on “other marketing activities” (including meetings) was associated with increases in market shares for promoted drugs ranging from 0.02% to 0.04% (p<0.05)
Huang [65] Attendance at pharmaceutical sponsored conferences was associated with more prescriptions of the corresponding sponsored antidepressanta Pearson correlation coefficient; 2001–2002: 0.87; p<0.01, 2002–2003: 0.73; p<0.01
Spingarn [39] Attendance at a pharmaceutical sponsored meeting was not associated with the intention to prescribe the promoted medication where it was indicated OR 2.51 (95% CI 0.91–6.95)
Orlowski [28] Attendance at pharmaceutical sponsored meeting was associated with more prescriptions of medications being discussed Drug A: 81 (±44) prescriptions before, 272 (±117) prescriptions after; p<0.001 (Wilcoxon rank sum)
Drug B: 34 (±30) prescriptions before, 87 (±24) prescriptions after; p<0.001 (Wilcoxon rank sum)
Bowman [60] Attendance at pharmaceutical sponsored courses was associated with more prescriptions of medication made by sponsoring company Before and 6 mo after 3 sponsored course involving sponsoring company's drugs:
Course I: Nifedipine, increase in prescriptions 5.6%; p<0.05*
Course II: Metoprolol, increase in prescriptions 12.4%; p<0.05*
Course III: Diltiazem, increase in prescriptions 18.7%; p<0.05*
Peay [33] Attendance at pharmaceutical sponsored meeting was not associated with prescription of temazepam No association detected
Mailed information from pharmaceutical companies Prosser [67] Mailed information was no more likely to be cited as an influence by high prescribers than low prescribersa 9% for high prescribers, 0% for low prescribers; Fisher exact test; p = 0.18
Peay [33] Mailed information was not associated with a change in temazepam prescribing frequency No association detected
Dajda [76] Mailed advertisements to general practitioners was associated with an increase in prescriptions Correlation coefficient 0.08
Advertising on clinical software Henderson [29] Advertisements on clinical software were not associated with a difference in prescribing for all advertised medications combined Adjusted OR 0.96 (95% CI 0.87–1.06); p = 0.42
Total promotional investment/summated scores of commercial information use/general use of commercial sources Greving [30] Commercial information sources of information were associated with an increase in rates of prescribing of angiotensin receptor blocking medications OR 2.0 (95% CI 1.5–2.6)
Commercial information sources of information were not associated with an increase in the n doctors prescribing angiotensin receptor blocking medications OR 12.8 (95% CI 0.20–816.58)
Windmeijer [41] Expenditure on pharmaceutical promotion was associated with more prescribing Beta coefficient +0.0137; t statistic 2.98 (p<0.01)
Auvray [57] Total promotional investment was associated with an increase in the n prescriptions No statistical measures presented
Peay [33] Commercial information sources were associated with a preference for temazepam prescribinga p<0.036 (t test)
Commercial information sources were associated with earlier temazepam prescribinga p<0.045 (t test)
Hurwitz [51] Promotion of the branded leading drug was associated with increased market share especially for acute or sporadic conditions Beta coefficient +0.295; t statistic 4.34 (p<0.01)
Promotion of “following generic drugs” was associated with reduced the market share for the leading drug Beta coefficient −0.150; t statistic 2.14 (p<0.05)
Mackowiak [52] Expenditure on PSRs and journal advertisements was not associated with a change in market size nor market share for benzodiazepines or diuretics No association detected
Leffler [53] The promotional intensity for new products was not associated with increased market share for the entrant product 2 y post introduction Beta coefficient +0.88; t statistic 1.89, p>0.05
The promotional intensity for new products introduced over a 9-y period was associated with increased market share for the entrant products Beta coefficient +1.25; t statistic 2.35, p<0.05
Telser [54] Overall promotional intensity was associated with the market share of entrant drugs in the hospital and drug store market in the period 1964–1968 Drug store: beta coefficient +1.28; t statistic +2.20 (p<0.05)
Hospital: beta coefficient +1.45; t statistic +2.61 (p<0.05)
Overall promotional intensity was not associated with the market share of entrant drugs in the hospital and drug market in the period 1968–1972 Drug store: beta coefficient +1.19; t statistic +0.60 (p>0.05)
Hospital: beta coefficient +0.608; t statistic +1.20 (p>0.05)
Information delivered without conventional promotion Andersen [37] Participation in pharmaceutical funded research was associated with increase in the sponsoring company's share of asthma drug in practices conducting the trial compared to control practices 6.7% increase (95% CI 3.0%–11.7%)b
Freemantle [35] PSR visits were not associated with an increase in the prescription of the detailed medication OR = 1.04 (95% CI 0.83–1.31); p = 0.73
Dolovich [36] PSR visits were not associated with a change in the market share of amoxicillin Intervention group: +0.63% market share, control group: −0.72% market share; p = 0.15
Kazmierczak [59] Mailed warning letters regarding tramadol for those with a seizure risk were not associated with a change in prescription rates for tramadola Before mailing: 10% prescribing rate, after mailing 9% prescribing rate.
Soumerai [58] PSR visits: Propoxyphene use continued a preexisting decline of about 8% a year during the time when warnings from the manufacturing pharmaceutical company were expressed by PSRs after which time this decline halted, however a statistical association was not shown. Refill rates and rates of overdose did not change following the warningsa No association detected
Mailed information: Propoxyphene use continued a preexisting decline of about 8% a year during the time when warnings from the manufacturing pharmaceutical company were expressed by PSRs after which time this decline halted, however a statistical association was not shown. Refill rates and rates of overdose did not change following the No association detected

Study authors reported that exposure to information from drug companies was associated with decreased quality of prescribing.


Reported by study authors as statistically significant.


Study authors reported that exposure to information from drug companies was associated with increased quality of prescribing.

*Chi-squared statistic.

ACE, angiotensin converting enzyme; ARA, angiotensin receptor antagonist; CCB, calcium channel blocker; CME, continuing medical education.