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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2010 Dec 1.
Published in final edited form as: Phytother Res. 2010 Dec;24(12):1813–1824. doi: 10.1002/ptr.3191

Table 1.

The effect of natural products on cell viability in murine neuroblastoma cells originally derived from a spontaneous malignant tumor. The data represent the Common English name or Chinese name and the LC50 (mg/mL) calculated from 3–9 concentrations spanning a thousand-fold dilution range (n = 4)

A. Anti-Cancer Screen – Category 1: Strongest
LC50 = [0.015–0.553 mg/ml] Inline graphic
Gromwell root [0.015] Burningbush [0.375] Cao Dou Kou [0.531]
Beth root [0.032] Silk Tree [1] [0.378] Lilytree [0.532]
Galbanum [0.078] Akebia [0.401] Baikal Scullcap [0.533]
Asafetida [0.253] Damask Rose [0.451] Ji Xue Teng [0.534]
Yuan Zhi [0.255] Southern Chinese Pine [0.464] Szechuan Pepper [0.538]
Zhi Mu [0.261] California Yerba Santa [0.485] Official Burnet [0.545]
Tumeric [0.269] Common Tansy [0.502] Daisy [0.548]
White Edge Morning Glory [0.28] Woodland Figwort [0.505] Ramanas Rose [0.549]
Locust [0.287] Common Hop [0.508] Moutain Peony [0.549]
Chinese Rhubarb [0.353] Common Selfheal [0.527] Cinnamon Twig [0.55]
Common Pricklyash [0.373] Oriental Arbovitae [0.528] Fang Feng [0.553]
B. Anti-Cancer Screen – Category 2: Moderate to Strong
LC50 = [0.554–1.504 mg/ml]
Dang Gui (Wei) [0.554] Florida fishpoison tree [0.746] Jing Jie [1.084]
Korean Epimedium [0.554] Sassafras [0.784] Foetid Bugbane [1.108]
Hou Po [0.563] Bi Xie [0.89] Oregano [1.123]
Cow Cockle [0.577] Gravelroot [0.892] Partidgeberry [1.126]
Clove Bud [0.577] Thoroughwort [0.92] Hu Po (Succinum Resin) [1.164]
Himalayan Teasel Root [0.6] Chinese Rhubarb [0.921] Yin Chai Hu [1.197]
Lesser Galangal [0.603] Evodia Fruit [0.941] Soybean [1.214]
Wu Jia Pi [0.61] Qian Hu [0.951] Japanese Gentian [1.237]
Hai Feng Teng [0.61] Sacred Lotus [0.968] European Dogbane [1.263]
Fang Ji [0.622] Cinnamon Bark [0.969] Sha Ren Guang [1.323]
Cultivated Radish [0.627] Qiang Hua [0.972] Cornmint [1.329]
Arbovitae [0.629] Indian Madder [0.982] Chuan Hua Jiao [1.357]
Common Mullein [0.665] Sappanwood [0.983] Japenese Persimmon [1.377]
Huang Lian [0.665] Licorice Root [1] [1.003] Madder [1.438]
Common Juniper [0.676] Yi Zhi Ren [1.008] Balloon Flower [1.448]
Queens Delight [0.682] Red Sage [1.027] Licorice Root [2] [1.478]
Cang Zhu [0.704] Sandalwood [1.082] Sang Ji Sheng [1.49]
Cultivated Radish [0.741] Black Cardamom [1.082] Flowered Wintergreen [1.504]
C. Anti-Cancer Screen – Category 3: Moderate
LC50 = [1.509–3.026 mg/ml] Inline graphic
Largebracted Plantain [1.509] False Starwort [2.249] Hu Huang Lian [2.571]
Hairy Agrimony [1.519] Mosla [2.253] Egyptian Senna [2.578]
Loosestrife [1.562] British Yellowhead [2.256] Flowering Quince [2.656]
Ze Xie [1.601] Balsampear [2.262] Tangerine (peel immature) [2.695]
Tian San Qi [1.8] Sour Orange [2.317] Blackberry Lily [2.723]
Chinese Corktree [1.801] Fu Pen Zi [2.334] Dang Gui (Tou) [2.824]
Bai Zhu [1.919] Giant Puffball [2.369] Wine Grape [2.841]
Evergreen Spice Bush [1.943] Japanese Pagoda Tree [2.384] Xiang Jia Pi [2.901]
Florist’s Daisy [2.007] Silk Tree [2] [2.453] Zhang Nao [2.958]
Greater Burdock [2.147] Textile Bamboo [2.458] Gumweed [2.99]
Monnier’s Snowparsley [2.159] Du Huo [2.471] Canadian Wildginger [3.026]
D. Anti-Cancer Screen – Category 4: Weak to Moderate
LC50 = [3.03–4.47 mg/ml] Inline graphic
Richweed [3.03] Dang Gui [3.598] Indian Trumpet Flower [4.087]
Marijuana [3.071] Chinese Violet [3.629] Bai Zhi [4.122]
Poontahai [3.071] Licorice Root [3] [3.761] Oriental Arbovitae [4.154]
Yin Chen Hao [3.15] Bai Jiang Cao [3.767] Confederate Jasmine [4.299]
Narrowleaf Cattail [3.166] Mao Dong Qing [3.773] Bitter Lettuce [4.315]
Cherokee Rose [3.196] Tangerine (seed) [3.783] Cape Jasmine [4.389]
Dandelion [3.292] Horseradish [3.785] Simple Leaf Chastetree [4.393]
Sweet Wormwood [3.344] Formosan Gum [3.794] European Centaury [4.47]
Beefsteakplant [3.347] Scouringrush Horsetail [3.929]
Bitter Ash [3.431] Cocklebur [3.935]
Peach [3.514] Spike Moss [3.987]
Loquat [3.558] Sorrell [3.997]
E. Anti-Cancer Screen – Category 5: Weak
LC50 > [5.0 mg/ml]
American Plum Da Quing Ye Little Hogweed Shi Chang Pu
Asiatic Dogwood Da Zao Locust Siberian Ginseng
Bai Bu Dai Zhe Shi (Haematitum) Long Chi (Dens Draconis) Silver Cock’s Comb
Bai Dou Kou Devils Horsewhip Long Gu (Os Draconis) Snake Needle Grass
Bai Fu Zi Dill Longan Snow Fungus
Beefsteakplant Duckmeat Lou Lu Solomon’s Seal
Big Leaf Gentian Dwarf Lilyturf Mang Xiao (Natrii Sulfas) Sour Orange
Bile Arisaema E Zhu Matrimony Vine Spiketail
Cao Wu (Zhi) English Walnut Mayapple Suan Zao Ren
Carmichael’s Monkshood European Lily of the Valley Mexican Tea Swallow-wort
Chaun Bei Mu False Daisy Ming Fan (Alumen) Tangerine (peel)
Chi Shi Zhi (Halloysitum Rubrum Fringed Pink Mu Tong Thistle
Chinese Asparagus Fuller’s Earth No-Binu Tian Ha
Chinese Cinquefoil Ge Gen Nutgrass Tiger’s Claw
Chinese Cobra Lily Gou Teng Paper Mulberry Ting Li Zi
Chinese Cucumber (fruit) Gu Jing Cao Peach Tuckahoe [1]
Chinese Cucumber (peel) Herb of the Cross Puntinpole Bamboo Tuckahoe [2]
Chinese Cucumber (seed) Hong Kong Lily Qing Dai Waxgourd
Chinese Cucumber (root) Hua Shi (Talcum) Qing Feng Teng While Mulberry (fruit)
Chinese Haw Huai Niu Xi Qing Meng Shi (Lapis Chloriti) While Mulberry (leaf)
Chinese Lobelia Huang Jing Rangoon Creeper While Mulberry (root bark)
Chinese Motherwort Huang Qin Red Tangerine Peel While Mulberry (twig)
Chinese Peony Hyacinthbean Ricebean (seed) [1] Ya Dan Zi
Chinese Yam Indian Mulberry Ricebean (seed) [2] Yan Hu Suo
Chuan Niu Xi Japanese Apricot Ricebean (root) Yang Qi Shi (Actinolitum)
Ci Shi (Magnetitum) Japanese Bush Cherry Ricebean (fruit) Yu Jin
Citron Japanese Pagoda Tree Sacred Lotus Zhe Bei Mu
Cluster Mallow Japenese Climbing Fern San Leng Zhu Ling
Common Barley Ji Gu Cao Sesame Roots Zi Ran Tong (Pyritum)
Common Rush Job’s Tears Sesame Seed Zi Shi Ying (Fluoritum)
Common Wheat Largebracted Plantain Sha Yuan Zi
Crowdipper Ling Zhi (Hong) Shan Dou Gen