a) Bone marrow from Sin1+/+ or Sin1-/- chimeric mice was analyzed by flow cytometry and the percentage of CD19+ IgM- and CD19+ IgM+ B cells is indicated. The data are representative of Sin1+/+ (n=3) and Sin1-/- (n=4) fetal liver chimeric mice.
b) Bone marrow from a chimeric mouse containing a 1:1 ratio of wild type host and Sin1-/- donor cells was analyzed by flow cytometry. The plots shown are pre-gated on CD45.1+ host cells or CD45.1- Sin1-/- donor cells and the percentage of CD19+IgM- and CD19+IgM+ B cells is indicated.
c) Bar graph illustrating the total number of Sin1+/+ host or Sin1-/- donor bone marrow cells from the chimeric mouse shown in (b).
d) The proportion of B220+CD43hiIgM- bone marrow pro-B cells from wild type or Sin1-/- fetal liver chimeric mice. The plots shown are pre-gated on CD45.2+ donor cells and are representative of Sin1+/+ (n=3) and Sin1-/- (n=4) fetal liver chimeric mice.
e) Sin1+/+ or Sin1-/- pro-B cells were cultured in vitro on OP9 cells with or without IL-7 for 7 days and surface IgM and IgD expression was analyzed. The plots are representative of 4 independent experiments.
f) Sin1+/+ or Sin1-/- pro-B cells were cultured on OP9 cells without IL-7 for 7 days, fixed, permeablized and stained for Igμ chain expression (shaded area). The proportion of Igμ- pro-B cells is indicated. Rag1-/- pro-B cells are a negative control for Igμ staining (dotted line). Representative plots are shown from 3 independent experiments.