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. 2010 Sep 28;20(18-4):1589–1601. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2010.07.045

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Distribution of fru+ Dimorphisms in the Brain

(A) Dimorphic projections of fru+ neurons overlap dimorphic neuropil regions. Left shows overlap between male-specific arbors of fru+ clones and MER of the neuropil; right shows overlap between female-specific arbors and the female-enlarged regions (FERs) of neuropil. Colored regions are Z projections of the dimorphic arbors shown in Figure 2. Because these images are derived from unilateral mosaic analysis with a repressible cell marker (MARCM) clones with cell bodies on the fly's left (which is on the right of this figure), they are not symmetric. The MER or FER is outlined in each panel as appropriate. Color scale: transparent (no clones) to red (11 clones). Although there are 21 dimorphic clones in males, the region of maximum density corresponds to the overlap of a subset of 11 of those clones.

(B) Volumetric dimorphism and sex-specific arbors. There is a strong positive relationship between how many male (or female) specific arbors overlap any given voxel and the male:female volume ratio. For example, voxels with the highest number of overlapping dimorphic arbors (11) also have the highest volume ratio (median 81% male-enlarged). Box plot is as in Figure 1P with the addition of notches to indicate the 95% confidence interval for difference between medians.

(C) Clones from (A) broken into functional groups (see Table 1). Each panel contains the dimorphic regions of all clones that belong to a given category. The number of clones in each category that have dimorphic regions and therefore contribute to each panel is shown at the bottom left (e.g., there are 16 visual clones, but only three have male dimorphic processes, and one has female dimorphic processes). Color scale is the same as in (A). Scale bar represents 50 μm.