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. 2010 Oct 13;30(41):13609–13623. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4524-09.2010

Table 3.

Correlation of subject-specific behavioral effects with BOLD response

Brain region Peak T Value of p < Cluster size MNI coordinates
In visual areasa
    Occipital lobe
        Left fusiform gyrus 4.25 0.01 50 −36 −72 −20
    Parietal lobe
        Left superior parietal lobule 6.03 0.01 71 −36 −64 60
    Temporal lobe
        Left superior temporal sulcus 6.37 0.01 46 −66 −40 0
        Right superior temporal sulcus 4.47 0.01 84 66 −44 −6
    Frontal lobe
        Right middle frontal gyrus 5.64 0.01 29 52 26 40
        Left middle frontal gyrus 4.82 0.01 116 −54 20 26
In auditory areasb
    Temporal lobe
        Right superior temporal gyrus 8.32 0.01 21 60 −2 −10
        Left anterior transverse gyrus (Heschl) 5.32 0.01 61 −44 −18 −6
        Left superior temporal gyrus 4.82 0.01 43 −58 −48 2
        Right medial temporal pole 4.71 0.01 37 40 6 −30
    Frontal lobe
        Right middle frontal gyrus 5.64 0.01 29 52 26 40
In multisensory areasc
    Temporal lobe
        Left superior temporal sulcus 6.37 0.01 27 −56 −42 2
        Right superior temporal sulcus 4.56 0.01 54 70 −42 −4
    Parietal lobe
        Left superior parietal lobule 6.03 0.001 21 −36 −64 60
    Frontal lobe
        Right middle frontal gyrus 4.98 0.001 25 44 6 52
Outside visual/auditory and multisensory areasd
    Frontal lobe
        Middle cingulate cortex 11.78 0.001 240 0 −26 50

The table provides local maxima for the regression of subjects' differential behavioral performance with differential BOLD responses (as defined by the interaction contrast) (see main text and Table 2).

a,b,cLocal maxima for BOLD/behavior regression in predefined avisual, bauditory, ccandidate-heteromodal areas, all thresholded at p < 0.01 (FDR-corrected for multiple comparisons within inclusive masks) (see supplemental Table S1, available at as supplemental material); k > 20.

dLocal maxima for BOLD/behavior regression outside predefined auditory, visual, and candidate heteromodal areas, thresholded at p < 0.001; k > 40 (since no a priori hypotheses applied for those).