Lack of Energy21-23
Ranges from tiredness to exhaustion that interferes with ability to function
Decreased capacity to perform physical and mental work
Physical, emotional, or cognitive tiredness
Thirst 24
Asking for water
Asking for mouth care
Pantomiming drinking or mouth care (often used by nonverbal, intubated patients)
Nurse statements that patients must be thirsty because their mouths appear dry
Dry Mouth25, 26
Subjective complaints of dryness, burning of oral mucosa
Difficulty chewing or swallowing
Objective observations of dry, cracked lips, furrowed tongue
Presence of oral candidiasis
Three key dimensions:
(1) Physiologic : measurable parameters (respiratory rate; oxygenation)
(2) Functional : effect of dyspnea on ability to perform activities of daily living
Psychologic : emotional states related to difficulty breathing (fear, anxiety)
Can't catch breath
Having ‘trouble’ breathing
‘Numbers’ or ‘Oxygen’ look good/bad (remarks made by nurses when patients note breathing difficulty)
Tired from breathing(usually associated with a weaning trial)
Fear, anxiety related to dyspnea less commonly discussed
Anxiety28, 29
Vague uneasiness or increasing sense of tension
Nonspecific state of uneasiness
A somatic, rather than cognitive, symptom
Negative affect associated with perceived inability to control or obtain desired results in a future situation
A negative emotion about a specific event or object (not a vague, generalized feeling, as with anxiety)
A cognitive, rather than somatic, symptom
May be the cognitive counterpart to generalized anxiety
Communication Difficulty30, 33, 34
Distressing communication impairment, primarily the inability to speak, understand messages, and/or be understood Inability to represent thoughts, feelings, desires and needs fully to others
Distressing problem with speech, word recall, writing and/or gesture