Figure 2.
Acetylation maps to the hinge region of PR. A, PR-B contains an acetylation consensus site, KXKK. The domains of PR-B include a B-upstream segment (BUS), an N-terminal domain, a DBD, a hinge region (H), and a HBD. The acetylation consensus sequence, KXKK, is located within the hinge region at aa 638–641. The NLS overlaps the acetylation consensus site and is located within both the hinge domain and the DBD. B, K-A PR-B is not acetylated. Cos-1 cells were transfected with wt, KK6, or K-A PR-B. Cells were serum starved for 24 h and then pretreated with TSA (10 μm) for 30 min before R5020 (10−8 m) treatment for 2 h. Acetylation assays were performed, and immune complexes were Western blotted with acetyl-Lys and total PR antibodies. Densitometry-derived values are shown for acetyl Lys-containing PR normalized to total PR. Experiments were carried out three times. IP, Immunoprecipitates.