Table 1.
mRNA targets and functions of miR-9 in neuronal development and function
Functions | Species | Targets | References |
Suppresses excess SOP production | D. melanogaster | Sens | [38,55] |
Promotes dendritic branching | D. melanogaster | ? | [68] |
Restricts the extent of MHB | Zebrafish | FGF8, FGFR1 | [44] |
Promotes neuronal differentiation near MHB | Zebrafish | Her5, Her9 | [44] |
Limits the generation of Cajal-Retzius cells | Rodent | Foxg1 | [39] |
Promotes neuronal differentiation from adult neural stem/progenitor cells | Rodent | TLX | [59] |
Enhances alcohol tolerance in adult brains | Rodent | BK channels | [86] |
Inhibits astroglial cell differentiation | Rodent | ? | [58] |
Promotes proliferation but limits migration of hESC-derived young hNPCs | Human | Stathmin | [40] |
May contribute to neurodegenerative diseases | Human | NEFH, REST | [89,90] |
BK channel, large conductance calcium- and voltage-activated potassium channel; FGF, fibroblast growth factor; FGFR, fibroblast growth factor receptor; Foxg1, forkhead box protein G1; hESC, human embryonic stem cell; hNPC, human neural progenitor cell; MHB, midbrain-hindbrain boundary; NEFH (neurofilament heavy polypeptide); REST, RE1 silencing transcription factor; SOP, sensory organ precursor; TLX, human homologue of the Drosophila tailless gene.