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. 2010 Oct 4;1:9. doi: 10.1186/2041-9139-1-9

Table 1.

Mnemiopsis homeobox genes.

Name Domain Signature Intron codons Accession
MlPbx Pbx insert(NLA) 23 2,47/48 HM444125
MlMeis MeisA, MeisD insert(HLT) 23 25/26, 51 HM444091
MlPknox Pbx insert(HLG) 23 25/26, 51 HM444122
MlPou1 Pou HM444110
MlPOU26a Pou HM444092
MlPOU26b HM444093
MlPOU26c HM444094
MlIsl Lim 39 HM444123
MlLhx1.5 Lim 55/56 HM444088
MlLhx3.4 Lim 27 HM444089
MlLmx Lim 11,55/56 HM444090
MlSIX13a Six HM444111
MlSIX13b Six HM444112
MlSIX13c Six HM444113
MlSIX13d Six 12,58 HM444114
MlSIX13e Six HM444115
MlSIX13f Six HM444130
MlSIX27 Six 17 HM444128
MlSIX28 Six HM444129
MlSIX32a HM444116
MlSIX32b Six HM444144
MlSIX32c Six 30 HM444117
MlSIX36 Six NKL 45 HM444118
MlSIX41 Six 9,45 HM444127
MlSIX59a Six 57* HM444131
MlSIX59b Six 57* HM444119
MlSIX59c Six 57* HM444120
MlSIX59d Six 57* HM444121
MlSIX59e Six 57* HM444126
MlANTP03a HOXL2 HM444145
MlANTP03b HOXL2 HM444132
MlANTP03c HM444134
MlANTP03d HM444072
MlANTP19 NKL 21/22 HM444073
MlANTP21 10,52 HM444074
MlANTP22 13/14 HM444075
MlANTP23 18 HM444140
MlANTP25 HM444076
MlANTP35 44/45 HM444077
MlANTP37 NKL, HOXL 44-45 HM444078
MlANTP47 46-47 HM444079
MlANTP48 NKL, HOXL2 21-22 HM444080
MlANTP51 36 HM444136
MlANTP63 12/13 HM444137
MlANTP65 12/13,45 HM444081*
MlANTP66 46/47 HM444082*
MlANTP67 17/18,47 HM444083*
MlANTP68 NKL 14/15,44/45 HM444084*
MlANTP71 NKL 9,53 HM444085
MlANTP72 NKL 44/45 HM444086
MlANTP78 39 HM444087
MlPRD10a PRD 37 HM444097
MlPRD10b PRD 24,46/47 HM444098*
MlPRD16 Octapeptide PRD 46/47 HM444102*
MlPRD43 Octapeptide 46/47 HM444104
MlPRD44 PRD, HOXL2 46/47 HM444105*
MlPRD50 Octapeptide 14/15,46/47 HM444141
MlPRD61 Octapeptide PRD 12/13,46/47 HM444147
MlHD01 HM444143
MlHD05 HM444146
MlHD07a HM444139
MlHD07b HM444095
MlHD07c HM444096
MlHD11a HM444133
MlHD11b HM444099
MlHD14 HM444100
MlHD15 HM444101
MlHD31 HM444103
MlHD60 insert(LP) 33 HM444135
MlHD70 HM444106
MlHD76a HM444107
MlHD76b HM444142
MlHD77a HM444108
MlHD77b HM444138
MlHD79 insert(N) 22 HM444109
MlHD86 HM444124

The first column (Name) contains the names given to each gene. The second column (Domain) indicates any additional domains detected either in the predicted gene sequence or in close genomic proximity to the homeobox in the same orientation. If NKL, HOXL, HOXL2 or PRD sequence signatures or are present in the translated homeodomain (as defined in [40]), this is noted in the third column. The third column (Signature) also includes the amino acid sequences of atypical insertions if they are present. The format for insertions is the word 'insert' followed by the amino acids that make up the insertion in parentheses and the first codon of the homeobox occupied by the insertion. For those homeoboxes that are interrupted by one or more introns, the fourth column (Intron Codons) lists either the codon that is interrupted (noted by a single number) or the two codons that are separated by an intron (noted by two numbers separated by a forward slash). Commas separate codon positions for genes with multiple introns. The five MlSIX59 homeoboxes are truncated at the 57th codon and occur at the end of their corresponding GENSCAN gene prediction. The last column indicates the GenBank accession of the corresponding nucleotide sequences. An asterisk next to an accession indicates a previously described version of this homeodomain exists. The previously described homeodomains are as follows: MlANTP65 - ACD85820 (Tlx-like), MlANTP66 - ACD85819 (Dlx/NK-like), MlANTP67 - ACD85818 (BarH/BarX-like), MlANTP68 - ACD85817 (Bsh), MlPRD10b - ACD85823 (Prd3), MlPRD16 - ACD85821 (Prd1), MlPRD44 - ACD85822 (Prd2).