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. 2010 Oct 13;10:115. doi: 10.1186/1471-230X-10-115

Table 4.

Areas under curve of ROC analysis of 25 serological markers

State Variableb)
Normal Milder fibrosis Significant fibrosis Early cirrhosis

A 0.852 0.433 0.237 0.263
A/G 0.898 0.398 0.244 0.171
AFP 0.356 0.338 0.666 0.857
AKP 0.325 0.552 0.522 0.876
Apo AI 0.508 0.423 0.565 0.468
AST/ALT 0.818 0.148 0.247 0.692
CB 0.282 0.546 0.569 0.896
CHE 0.695 0.441 0.468 0.100
C-IV 0.136 0.470 0.799 0.894
CLU 0.290 0.527 0.738 0.453
G 0.119 0.610 0.713 0.878
HA 0.314 0.478 0.549 1.0000
HB 0.613 0.452 0.404 0.511
HP 0.329 0.601 0.603 0.537
LN 0.419 0.534 0.589 0.438
Prx II 0.216 0.872 0.500 0.577
PIIIP 0.475 0.512 0.498 0.558
PLT 0.512 0.426 0.372 0.226
Pre 0.543 0.506 0.568 0.263
PT 0.098 0.242 0.528 0.855
rGT 0.266 0.733 0.640 0.872
TB 0.3750 0.587 0.551 0.907
TC 0.688 0.424 0.294 0.637
TG 0.541 0.454 0.502 0.466
WBC 0.265 0.549 0.750 0.488

a) Abbreviations used for test variables

A: albumin; A/G: albumin/IgG; AFP: alpha fetal protein; AKP: alkaline phosphotase; AST: Aspartate aminotransferase; ALT: Alanine Aminotransferase; CB: Combined bilirubin; CHE: cholinesterase; C-IV: collagen type IV; CLU: clusterin; G: IgG; HA: Sodium Hyaluronate; HB: hemoglobin; HP: Haptoglobin; LN: laminin; Prx II: thioredoxin peroxidase 2; PIIIP: pre-collagen peptide type III; PLT: platelets; Pre: prealbumin; PT: prothrombin time; rGT: gama glutamyl transpeptidase; TB: total bilirubin; TC: total cholesterol; WBC: white blood cells

b) The maximal AUCs for each state are shown in bold.