FIG. 4.
Protein composition of RRV capsids. (A) SDS-PAGE of capsid fractions from a 20 to 50% sucrose gradient (Fig. 2). Fractions 3, 5, and 9 contain mainly A, B, and C capsids, respectively (see the corresponding micrographs, Fig. 3B to D). Fraction 4 is a mixture of both A and B capsids. (B) Expanded view of fractions 3, 5, and 9. M, molecular mass standards (kilodaltons). The arrow and arrowheads to the right indicate the five capsid-associated proteins migrating with the following apparent molecular masses: 1, 134 kDa; 2, 41 kDa; 3, 37 kDa; 4, 34 kDa; 5, 16 kDa. The values on the left of each panel are molecular sizes in kilodaltons.