Figure 2.
Examples of single-unit modulations during BFS. A–F, In each panel, the activity of one single neuron is presented. In the first three panels (A–C), neurons from monkey D98 are shown and in the last three (D–F), neurons from monkey F03. The diagrams on the top of the panels demonstrate the sequence of stimulus presentation with a green dot denoting the percept during the binocular period (1000–2000 ms). Note that in general we used different pairs of orthogonal gratings (see Materials and Methods) but here cases where the monkey was presented with a horizontal-vertical pair are shown. In each panel, raster plots of 25 trials (rows) of each of two conditions with the same stimulation but different perceptual outcome (see Fig. 1 and Materials and Methods) are presented in the upper part in red and dark gray. At the lower part, the corresponding spike-density-functions (red and dark gray lines) are presented. Spike-density-functions were calculated using a convolution of the spike-trains with a rectangular window of 100 ms width. The shaded areas (lighter red and gray) represent SEM from a total of 100 trials per neuron. Light blue shadings at the background between 500 and 1000 and 1500 and 2000 ms denote the time windows for which we performed the statistical comparisons.