FIG. 3.
adpA promoter activity is developmentally regulated. Pregerminated spores (106) of wild-type strain J1501/pXE4 and strain J1501/pXE4::padpA were plated on thiostrepton-containing R2YE medium, covered with cellophane membranes, and incubated at 30°C. Extracts were prepared as described previously (15), and catechol dioxygenase activity was calculated as the rate of change in the optical density at 375 nm per minute, expressed as specific activity (units per milligram of protein; standard deviation bars are based on assays of three biological replicate samples). The XylE activity of the control strain carrying only vector pXE4 was insignificant (<0.005 U/mg) (data not shown). SM, substrate mycelium; AHF, aerial hypha formation; RED, undecylprodigiosin production; SP, sporulation.