Gene expression pattern and subcellular localization of mouse Kpna7. A and B, gene expression pattern of Kpna7 in tissues (A) and oocytes and preimplantation embryos (B). Mouse Kpna7 gene was specifically expressed in oocytes, zygotes, and two-cell stage embryos. Its expression was dramatically down-regulated after the two-cell stage. C–J, Kpna7 protein expression and subcellular localization in preimplantation stages. Mouse Kpna7 protein was highly expressed in GV oocytes (C), MII oocytes (D, localizes to the spindle (solid arrow) but not the chromatin (open arrow)), and zygotes (E–H, from early to late zygote stage). Its expression was dramatically down-regulated in two-cell stage embryos (I and J). K–N, negative control. No significant and specific staining signal had been observed in GV and MII oocytes with the preimmune serum. O–R, specificity analysis of Kpna7 antibody in mouse pancreatic epithelial cells. Kpna7 antibody only recognizes the ectopically expressed mouse Kpna7 protein (arrows) but not other importins (open arrows). (bars, C–J and O–R, 20 μm; K–N, 10 μm). Br, brain; He, heart; Ki, kidney; Li, liver; Pa, pancreas; Sk, skeleton; Ov, ovary; Te, testis; GV, germinal vesicle stage oocyte; MII, metaphase-II stage oocyte; Zy, zygote; 2c, two-cell; 4c, four-cell; 8c, eight cell; Mo, morula; Bl, blastocyst.