SCAI inhibits activin-induced SRF-mediated transcription and dendritic complexity. Activin stimulation (100 ng/ml) was carried out for 24 h. A, effect of SCAI on activin-induced SRF transcriptional activation. An empty vector (empty) or SCAI (3 μg/well) was cotransfected with the reporter vectors (1 μg/well). Activin was added 24 h after transfection. Bar graphs represent the mean ± S.D. from three samples. The same trends were obtained from at least two independent experiments. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ###, p < 0.001. B, attenuation of dendritic complexity by SCAI. Immunofluorescent images of cortical neurons expressing GFP (2 μg/well) and either the empty vector (empty, 2 μg/well) or SCAI (2 μg/well) are shown. Activin was added 24 h after transfection. C and D, dendritic complexity analyzed in the experimental conditions shown in B. Graphs represent the mean ± S.D. from three independent experiments. C, Sholl analysis. Supplemental Table 1 shows the statistical significance. D, dendritic length. **, p < 0.01; ###, p < 0.001; N.S., p > 0.05.