Figure 3. Survival rate of MCAO mice after Sca1+ bone marrow cell transplantation.
Mice subjected to MCAO followed by Sca1+ cell transplantation, as well as non-transplanted control, had their lifespan measured
3A-Over 60% of the controls died within 3 days. After Sca1+ cell transplantation, a progressive shift-to-the-right in survival was observed with increasing number of cells. Starting with 2 million cells, no mice died in <24h, and with 3 million cells, the average survival was clearly shifted towards longer lifespan, with few mice remaining alive after 2 months. Starting 6 million cells, ~40% of mice survived past 2 months.
3B-Kaplan-Meier curves of MCAO controls and transplant-recipient of 3 and 6 million cells shows long-term survival of a relatively large proportion of mice compared to controls.