Establish and maintain a therapeutic alliance
Monitor the patient's psychiatric status
Provide education regarding bipolar disorder
Enhance treatment adherence
Promote regular patterns of activity and wakefulness
Promote understanding of and adapatation to the psychosocial effects of bipolar disorder
Identify new episodes early
Reduce all morbidity and sequelae of bipolar disorder
Promote acceptance of the diagnosis
Promote emotional wellbeing
This is crucial for managing severe episodes and maintaining adherence.
This is necessary for early detection of recurrence.
Discussion on an ongoing process, use of educational brochures, and use of literature written by peers is useful for patient.
Monitor ambivalences about treatment and use of psychological defense of denial.
These factors have an effect on mood.
Discuss the cascade effect of the illness in all psychosocial spheres.
This enhances mastery and reduces morbidity.
Early treatment, management of stressors, and adherence are critical.
Reduce stigmatization, promote a sense of “control” through medication, promote avoidance of siubstances.
Enhance self esteem, resolve interpersonal difficulties, and promote vocation.