Table 2. OCTUs with 100% identity to nSSU sequences in the GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ database.
OCTU number | Total sequences | Accession number | Phyla | Class | Species |
5 | 28,217 | AY854224.1 | Nematoda | Chromadorea | Anaplectus sp. |
43 | 1,773 | AY854198.1 | Nematoda | Enoplea | Viscosia viscosa |
153 | 133 | AY854217.1 | Nematoda | Chromadorea | Spirinia parasitifera |
320 | 2,239 | AY854224.1 | Nematoda | Chromadorea | Daptonema normandicum |
378 | 13 | AY854209.1 | Nematoda | Chromadorea | Dichromadora sp. |
177 | 244 | AY854226.1 | Nematoda | Chromadorea | Daptonema setosum |
317 | 115 | FJ040466.1 | Nematoda | Chromadorea | Sabatieria pulchra |
381 | 728 | AY284693.1 | Nematoda | Chromadorea | Theristus agilis |
3 | 66,604 | GU139755.1 | Nematoda | Enoplea | Mesacanthion sp. |
15 | 5,798 | AY284695.1 | Nematoda | Chromadorea | Theristus agilis |
233 | 543 | AY775746.1 | Platyhelminthes | Turbellaria | Schizochilus choriurus |
40 | 699 | AY775766.1 | Platyhelminthes | Turbellaria | Proxenetes quadrispinosus |
18 | 794 | AJ012508.1 | Platyhelminthes | Turbellaria | Diascorhynchus rubrus |
25 | 15,111 | AJ012531.1 | Platyhelminthes | Turbellaria | Paromalostomum fusculum |
4 | 23,256 | AM774524.1 | Mollusca | Bivalvia | Angulus tenuis |
127 | 43 | DQ279943.1 | Mollusca | Bivalvia | Chamelea striatula |
146 | 337 | DQ640516.1 | Mollusca | Bivalvia | Mytilus trossulus |
109 | 7 | EF526454.1 | Mollusca | Bivalvia | Modiolus modiolus |
658 | 6 | DQ093437.1 | Mollusca | Gastropoda | Littorina littorea |
415 | 28 | AF448164.1 | Annelida | Polychaeta | Scolelepis squamata |
253 | 12 | AF508122.1 | Annelida | Polychaeta | Ophelia bicornis |
176 | 90 | AF508125.1 | Annelida | Polychaeta | Protodriloides symbioticus |
184 | 81 | AY446901.1 | Arthropoda | Maxillopoda | Centropages hamatus |
307 | 29 | EU868740.1 | Arthropoda | Malacostraca | Crangon crangon |
86 | 27 | L81939.1 | Arthropoda | Maxillopoda | Calanus pacificus |
446 | 13 | GU594643.1 | Arthropoda | Maxillopoda | Oithona sp. |
557 | 5 | AB087108.1 | Stramenopiles | Phaeophyceae | Dictyota linearis |
186 | 24 | AB178865.1 | Stramenopiles | Oomycetes | Haliphthoros sp. |
851 | 4 | EU818944.1 | Stramenopiles | Bacillariophyta | Odontella aurita |
515 | 4 | AJ519935.1 | Stramenopiles | Labyrinthulida | Aplanochytrium stocchinoi |
391 | 4 | AY620355.1 | Rhizaria | Cercozoa | Uncultured cercozoan |
964 | 1 | DQ073794.1 | Echinodermata | Echinoidea | Spatangus raschi |