Figure 11.
EM images of the flagellar filament cap, needle tip and model of the needle-tip interaction. (A) 3D-EM image reconstruction of the flagellar cap pentamer (labeled A in the image) and decamer (labeled B in the image). On the lower left side of the image are shown: averaged end-on-view (labeled C); projection of the 3D reconstruction along the 5-fold axis (labeled D); averaged side-view (labeled E), and projection of the 3D reconstruction perpendicular to the 5-fold axis (labeled F) (Maki-Yonekura et al. 2000). (B) Upper three panels: averaged EM images of the needle tip complexes formed by LcrV (left; resolution 1.5 nm), PcrV (center; resolution 1.5 nm), and AcrV (right; resolution 2.5 nm). Also visible is the central channel of both the needle and tip complex. Lower images on the bottom display typical single images (Mueller et al. 2005). (C) The LcrV tip complex modeled onto the distal end of a injectisome needle. The LcrV tip complex is displayed in surface representation (gray) (Deane et al. 2006). (A, Reprinted, with permission, from Maki-Yonekura et al. 2003 [© National Academy of Sciences]; B, reprinted, with permission, from Mueller et al. 2005 [© AAAS]; C, reprinted, with permission, from Deane et al. 2006 [© National Academy of Sciences].)