Figure 1.
Sequence alignment of LspA proteins. Sequence alignment of LspA proteins from Wolbachia of Brugia malayi (wBm, AAW71005), Wolbachia of Drosophila melanogaster (wMel, AAS14450), Wolbachia of Drosophila willistoni (wWill, ZP_01314990), Ehrlichia canis (Eh. c, AAZ68883), Anaplasma marginale (A.m, AAV86940), and Escherichia coli (E.coli, NP_414568). Genbank accession numbers follow the abbreviations of each species indicated above. The conserved catalytic residues are indicated in bold font. The predicted signal peptides are labelled in pale colour and the predicted transmembrane domains are marked by black bars above the alignment. Asterisks (*) denote identical residues, double dots (:) denote conserved substitutions based on amino acid biochemical similarity and single dots (.) denote semi-conserved substitution. The similarity rate is derived from the overall amino acid biochemical similarity of the compared proteins.